You can do it through SQL using typeof() function.  Since there is no
global schema, Drill evaluates this for each row.

0: jdbc:drill:drillbit=> select n_name, typeof(n_name) as
name_type, n_nationkey, typeof(n_nationkey) as nationkey_type from
cp.`tpch/nation.parquet` limit 2;


*| **  n_name  ** | **name_type ** | **n_nationkey ** | **nationkey_type **


*| *ALGERIA   * | *VARCHAR   * | *0           * | *INT            * |*

*| *ARGENTINA * | *VARCHAR   * | *1           * | *INT            * |*


On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 9:22 PM, Paul Rogers <>

> Hi All,
> Anyone know if there is a non-code way to display the data types of
> columns returned from a Drill query? Sqlline appears to only show the
> column names and values. The same is true of the Drill web console.
> The EXPLAIN PLAN FOR ... command shows the query plan, but not type (which
> are only known at run time.) Is there a statement, system table or some
> other trick to display column types in, say, Sqlline?
> In the past, I've gotten the types by using unit test style code. But,
> that is not to handy for use as an example for non-developers...
> Thanks,
> - Paul

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