dbw9580 commented on a change in pull request #2084:
URL: https://github.com/apache/drill/pull/2084#discussion_r446224728

File path: 
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Bowen Ding, Yuedong Xu, Liang Wang
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.drill.exec.store.ipfs;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JacksonInject;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeName;
+import org.apache.drill.shaded.guava.com.google.common.cache.LoadingCache;
+import org.apache.drill.shaded.guava.com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
+import org.apache.drill.shaded.guava.com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
+import org.apache.drill.shaded.guava.com.google.common.collect.ListMultimap;
+import org.apache.drill.shaded.guava.com.google.common.collect.Lists;
+import io.ipfs.api.MerkleNode;
+import io.ipfs.multihash.Multihash;
+import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.ExecutionSetupException;
+import org.apache.drill.common.expression.SchemaPath;
+import org.apache.drill.common.util.DrillVersionInfo;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.coord.ClusterCoordinator;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.EndpointAffinity;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.base.AbstractGroupScan;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.base.PhysicalOperator;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.base.ScanStats;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.proto.CoordinationProtos.DrillbitEndpoint;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.store.StoragePluginRegistry;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.store.schedule.AffinityCreator;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.store.schedule.AssignmentCreator;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.store.schedule.CompleteWork;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.store.schedule.EndpointByteMap;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.store.schedule.EndpointByteMapImpl;
+import org.apache.drill.shaded.guava.com.google.common.base.Stopwatch;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import java.util.Random;
+import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
+import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveTask;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import static 
+public class IPFSGroupScan extends AbstractGroupScan {
+  private static final Logger logger = 
+  private IPFSContext ipfsContext;
+  private IPFSScanSpec ipfsScanSpec;
+  private IPFSStoragePluginConfig config;
+  private List<SchemaPath> columns;
+  private static long DEFAULT_NODE_SIZE = 1000l;
+  private ListMultimap<Integer, IPFSWork> assignments;
+  private List<IPFSWork> ipfsWorkList = Lists.newArrayList();
+  private Map<String, List<IPFSWork>> endpointWorksMap;
+  private List<EndpointAffinity> affinities;
+  @JsonCreator
+  public IPFSGroupScan(@JsonProperty("IPFSScanSpec") IPFSScanSpec ipfsScanSpec,
+                       @JsonProperty("IPFSStoragePluginConfig") 
IPFSStoragePluginConfig ipfsStoragePluginConfig,
+                       @JsonProperty("columns") List<SchemaPath> columns,
+                       @JacksonInject StoragePluginRegistry pluginRegistry) 
throws IOException, ExecutionSetupException {
+    this(
+        ((IPFSStoragePlugin) 
+        ipfsScanSpec,
+        columns
+    );
+  }
+  public IPFSGroupScan(IPFSContext ipfsContext,
+                       IPFSScanSpec ipfsScanSpec,
+                       List<SchemaPath> columns) {
+    super((String) null);
+    this.ipfsContext = ipfsContext;
+    this.ipfsScanSpec = ipfsScanSpec;
+    this.config = ipfsContext.getStoragePluginConfig();
+    logger.debug("GroupScan constructor called with columns {}", columns);
+    this.columns = columns == null || columns.size() == 0? ALL_COLUMNS : 
+    init();
+  }
+  private void init() {
+    IPFSHelper ipfsHelper = ipfsContext.getIPFSHelper();
+    ipfsHelper.setMaxPeersPerLeaf(config.getMaxNodesPerLeaf());
+    ipfsHelper.setTimeouts(config.getIpfsTimeouts());
+    endpointWorksMap = new HashMap<>();
+    Multihash topHash = ipfsScanSpec.getTargetHash(ipfsHelper);
+    LoadingCache<Multihash, IPFSPeer> peerMap = ipfsContext.getIPFSPeerCache();
+    try {
+      //TODO detect and warn about loops/recursions in a malformed tree
+      class IPFSTreeFlattener extends RecursiveTask<Map<Multihash, String>> {
+        private Multihash hash;
+        private boolean isProvider;
+        private Map<Multihash, String> ret = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+        public IPFSTreeFlattener(Multihash hash, boolean isProvider) {
+          this.hash = hash;
+          this.isProvider = isProvider;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public Map<Multihash, String> compute() {
+          try {
+            if (isProvider) {
+              IPFSPeer peer = peerMap.getUnchecked(hash);
+              ret.put(hash, peer.hasDrillbitAddress() ? 
peer.getDrillbitAddress().get() : null);
+              return ret;
+            }
+            MerkleNode metaOrSimpleNode = 
ipfsHelper.timedFailure(ipfsHelper.getClient().object::links, hash, 
+            if (metaOrSimpleNode.links.size() > 0) {
+              logger.debug("{} is a meta node", hash);
+              //TODO do something useful with leaf size, e.g. hint Drill about 
operation costs
+              List<Multihash> intermediates = 
metaOrSimpleNode.links.stream().map(x -> x.hash).collect(Collectors.toList());
+              ImmutableList.Builder<IPFSTreeFlattener> builder = 
+              for (Multihash intermediate : intermediates.subList(1, 
intermediates.size())) {
+                builder.add(new IPFSTreeFlattener(intermediate, false));
+              }
+              ImmutableList<IPFSTreeFlattener> subtasks = builder.build();
+              subtasks.forEach(IPFSTreeFlattener::fork);
+              IPFSTreeFlattener first = new 
IPFSTreeFlattener(intermediates.get(0), false);
+              ret.putAll(first.compute());
+              subtasks.reverse().forEach(
+                  subtask -> ret.putAll(subtask.join())
+              );
+            } else {
+              logger.debug("{} is a simple node", hash);
+              List<IPFSPeer> providers = 
+                  .map(id ->
+                    peerMap.getUnchecked(id)
+                  )
+                  .collect(Collectors.toList());
+              //FIXME isDrillReady may block threads
+              providers = providers.stream()
+                  .filter(IPFSPeer::isDrillReady)
+                  .collect(Collectors.toList());
+              if (providers.size() < 1) {
+                logger.warn("No drill-ready provider found for leaf {}, adding 
foreman as the provider", hash);
+                providers.add(ipfsContext.getMyself());
+              }
+              logger.debug("Got {} providers for {} from IPFS", 
providers.size(), hash);
+              ImmutableList.Builder<IPFSTreeFlattener> builder = 
+              for (IPFSPeer provider : providers.subList(1, providers.size())) 
+                builder.add(new IPFSTreeFlattener(provider.getId(), true));
+              }
+              ImmutableList<IPFSTreeFlattener> subtasks = builder.build();
+              subtasks.forEach(IPFSTreeFlattener::fork);
+              List<String> possibleAddrs = new LinkedList<>();
+              Multihash firstProvider = providers.get(0).getId();
+              IPFSTreeFlattener firstTask = new 
IPFSTreeFlattener(firstProvider, true);
+              String firstAddr = firstTask.compute().get(firstProvider);
+              if (firstAddr != null) {
+                possibleAddrs.add(firstAddr);
+              }
+              subtasks.reverse().forEach(
+                  subtask -> {
+                    String addr = subtask.join().get(subtask.hash);
+                    if (addr != null) {
+                      possibleAddrs.add(addr);
+                    }
+                  }
+              );
+              if (possibleAddrs.size() < 1) {
+                logger.error("All attempts to find an appropriate provider 
address for {} have failed", hash);
+                throw new RuntimeException("No address found for any provider 
for leaf " + hash);
+              } else {
+                Random random = new Random();
+                String chosenAddr = 
+                ret.clear();
+                ret.put(hash, chosenAddr);
+                logger.debug("Got peer host {} for leaf {}", chosenAddr, hash);
+              }
+            }
+          } catch (IOException e) {
+            throw new RuntimeException(e);
+          }
+          return ret;
+        }
+      }
+      logger.debug("start to recursively expand nested IPFS hashes, 
topHash={}", topHash);
+      Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
+      //FIXME parallelization width magic number, maybe a config entry?
+      ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool = new 
+      IPFSTreeFlattener topTask = new IPFSTreeFlattener(topHash, false);
+      Map<Multihash, String> leafAddrMap = forkJoinPool.invoke(topTask);
+      logger.debug("Took {} ms to expand hash leaves", 
+      logger.debug("Iterating on {} leaves...", leafAddrMap.size());
+      ClusterCoordinator coordinator = 
+      for (Multihash leaf : leafAddrMap.keySet()) {
+        String peerHostname = leafAddrMap.get(leaf);
+        Optional<DrillbitEndpoint> oep = coordinator.getAvailableEndpoints()
+            .stream()
+            .filter(a -> a.getAddress().equals(peerHostname))
+            .findAny();
+        DrillbitEndpoint ep;
+        if (oep.isPresent()) {
+          ep = oep.get();
+          logger.debug("Using existing endpoint {}", ep.getAddress());
+        } else {
+          logger.debug("created new endpoint on the fly {}", peerHostname);
+          //TODO read ports & version info from IPFS instead of hard-coded
+          ep = DrillbitEndpoint.newBuilder()
+              .setAddress(peerHostname)
+              .setUserPort(31010)
+              .setControlPort(31011)
+              .setDataPort(31012)
+              .setHttpPort(8047)
+              .setVersion(DrillVersionInfo.getVersion())
+              .setState(DrillbitEndpoint.State.ONLINE)
+              .build();
+          //TODO how to safely remove endpoints that are no longer needed once 
the query is completed?
+          ClusterCoordinator.RegistrationHandle handle = 
+        }
+        IPFSWork work = new IPFSWork(leaf.toBase58());
+        logger.debug("added endpoint {} to work {}", ep.getAddress(), work);
+        work.getByteMap().add(ep, DEFAULT_NODE_SIZE);
+        work.setOnEndpoint(ep);
+        if(endpointWorksMap.containsKey(ep.getAddress())) {
+          endpointWorksMap.get(ep.getAddress()).add(work);
+        } else {
+          List<IPFSWork> ipfsWorks = Lists.newArrayList();
+          ipfsWorks.add(work);
+          endpointWorksMap.put(ep.getAddress(), ipfsWorks);
+        }
+        ipfsWorkList.add(work);
+      }
+    }catch (Exception e) {
+      logger.debug("exception in init");
+      throw new RuntimeException(e);
+    }
+  }
+  private IPFSGroupScan(IPFSGroupScan that) {
+    super(that);
+    this.ipfsContext = that.ipfsContext;
+    this.ipfsScanSpec = that.ipfsScanSpec;
+    this.config = that.config;
+    this.assignments = that.assignments;
+    this.ipfsWorkList = that.ipfsWorkList;
+    this.endpointWorksMap = that.endpointWorksMap;
+    this.columns = that.columns;
+  }
+  @JsonProperty
+  public List<SchemaPath> getColumns() {
+    return columns;
+  }
+  @JsonIgnore
+  public IPFSStoragePlugin getStoragePlugin() {
+    return ipfsContext.getStoragePlugin();
+  }
+  @JsonProperty
+  public IPFSScanSpec getIPFSScanSpec() {
+    return ipfsScanSpec;
+  }
+  @Override
+  public List<EndpointAffinity> getOperatorAffinity() {
+    if (affinities == null) {
+      affinities = AffinityCreator.getAffinityMap(ipfsWorkList);
+    }
+    return affinities;
+  }
+  @Override
+  public int getMaxParallelizationWidth() {
+    DrillbitEndpoint myself = 
+    int width;
+    if (endpointWorksMap.containsKey(myself.getAddress())) {
+      // the foreman is also going to be a minor fragment worker under a 
UnionExchange operator
+      width = ipfsWorkList.size();
+    } else {
+      // the foreman does not hold data, so we have to force parallelization
+      // to make sure there is a UnionExchange operator
+      width = ipfsWorkList.size() + 1;
+    }
+    logger.debug("getMaxParallelizationWidth: {}", width);
+    return width;
+  }
+  @Override
+  public void applyAssignments(List<DrillbitEndpoint> incomingEndpoints) {
+    logger.debug("ipfsWorkList.size() = {}", ipfsWorkList.size());
+    logger.debug("endpointWorksMap: {}", endpointWorksMap);
+    if (endpointWorksMap.size()>1) { //偶尔还会出错?
+      //incomingEndpoints是已经排好顺序的endpoints,和fragment 顺序对应

Review comment:
       Removed in b6fcc0df.

File path: 
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Bowen Ding, Yuedong Xu, Liang Wang
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.drill.exec.store.ipfs;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JacksonInject;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeName;
+import org.apache.drill.shaded.guava.com.google.common.cache.LoadingCache;
+import org.apache.drill.shaded.guava.com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
+import org.apache.drill.shaded.guava.com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
+import org.apache.drill.shaded.guava.com.google.common.collect.ListMultimap;
+import org.apache.drill.shaded.guava.com.google.common.collect.Lists;
+import io.ipfs.api.MerkleNode;
+import io.ipfs.multihash.Multihash;
+import org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.ExecutionSetupException;
+import org.apache.drill.common.expression.SchemaPath;
+import org.apache.drill.common.util.DrillVersionInfo;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.coord.ClusterCoordinator;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.EndpointAffinity;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.base.AbstractGroupScan;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.base.PhysicalOperator;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.base.ScanStats;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.proto.CoordinationProtos.DrillbitEndpoint;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.store.StoragePluginRegistry;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.store.schedule.AffinityCreator;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.store.schedule.AssignmentCreator;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.store.schedule.CompleteWork;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.store.schedule.EndpointByteMap;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.store.schedule.EndpointByteMapImpl;
+import org.apache.drill.shaded.guava.com.google.common.base.Stopwatch;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import java.util.Random;
+import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
+import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveTask;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import static 
+public class IPFSGroupScan extends AbstractGroupScan {
+  private static final Logger logger = 
+  private IPFSContext ipfsContext;
+  private IPFSScanSpec ipfsScanSpec;
+  private IPFSStoragePluginConfig config;
+  private List<SchemaPath> columns;
+  private static long DEFAULT_NODE_SIZE = 1000l;
+  private ListMultimap<Integer, IPFSWork> assignments;
+  private List<IPFSWork> ipfsWorkList = Lists.newArrayList();
+  private Map<String, List<IPFSWork>> endpointWorksMap;
+  private List<EndpointAffinity> affinities;
+  @JsonCreator
+  public IPFSGroupScan(@JsonProperty("IPFSScanSpec") IPFSScanSpec ipfsScanSpec,
+                       @JsonProperty("IPFSStoragePluginConfig") 
IPFSStoragePluginConfig ipfsStoragePluginConfig,
+                       @JsonProperty("columns") List<SchemaPath> columns,
+                       @JacksonInject StoragePluginRegistry pluginRegistry) 
throws IOException, ExecutionSetupException {
+    this(
+        ((IPFSStoragePlugin) 
+        ipfsScanSpec,
+        columns
+    );
+  }
+  public IPFSGroupScan(IPFSContext ipfsContext,
+                       IPFSScanSpec ipfsScanSpec,
+                       List<SchemaPath> columns) {
+    super((String) null);
+    this.ipfsContext = ipfsContext;
+    this.ipfsScanSpec = ipfsScanSpec;
+    this.config = ipfsContext.getStoragePluginConfig();
+    logger.debug("GroupScan constructor called with columns {}", columns);
+    this.columns = columns == null || columns.size() == 0? ALL_COLUMNS : 
+    init();
+  }
+  private void init() {
+    IPFSHelper ipfsHelper = ipfsContext.getIPFSHelper();
+    ipfsHelper.setMaxPeersPerLeaf(config.getMaxNodesPerLeaf());
+    ipfsHelper.setTimeouts(config.getIpfsTimeouts());
+    endpointWorksMap = new HashMap<>();
+    Multihash topHash = ipfsScanSpec.getTargetHash(ipfsHelper);
+    LoadingCache<Multihash, IPFSPeer> peerMap = ipfsContext.getIPFSPeerCache();
+    try {
+      //TODO detect and warn about loops/recursions in a malformed tree
+      class IPFSTreeFlattener extends RecursiveTask<Map<Multihash, String>> {
+        private Multihash hash;
+        private boolean isProvider;
+        private Map<Multihash, String> ret = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+        public IPFSTreeFlattener(Multihash hash, boolean isProvider) {
+          this.hash = hash;
+          this.isProvider = isProvider;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public Map<Multihash, String> compute() {
+          try {
+            if (isProvider) {
+              IPFSPeer peer = peerMap.getUnchecked(hash);
+              ret.put(hash, peer.hasDrillbitAddress() ? 
peer.getDrillbitAddress().get() : null);
+              return ret;
+            }
+            MerkleNode metaOrSimpleNode = 
ipfsHelper.timedFailure(ipfsHelper.getClient().object::links, hash, 
+            if (metaOrSimpleNode.links.size() > 0) {
+              logger.debug("{} is a meta node", hash);
+              //TODO do something useful with leaf size, e.g. hint Drill about 
operation costs
+              List<Multihash> intermediates = 
metaOrSimpleNode.links.stream().map(x -> x.hash).collect(Collectors.toList());
+              ImmutableList.Builder<IPFSTreeFlattener> builder = 
+              for (Multihash intermediate : intermediates.subList(1, 
intermediates.size())) {
+                builder.add(new IPFSTreeFlattener(intermediate, false));
+              }
+              ImmutableList<IPFSTreeFlattener> subtasks = builder.build();
+              subtasks.forEach(IPFSTreeFlattener::fork);
+              IPFSTreeFlattener first = new 
IPFSTreeFlattener(intermediates.get(0), false);
+              ret.putAll(first.compute());
+              subtasks.reverse().forEach(
+                  subtask -> ret.putAll(subtask.join())
+              );
+            } else {
+              logger.debug("{} is a simple node", hash);
+              List<IPFSPeer> providers = 
+                  .map(id ->
+                    peerMap.getUnchecked(id)
+                  )
+                  .collect(Collectors.toList());
+              //FIXME isDrillReady may block threads
+              providers = providers.stream()
+                  .filter(IPFSPeer::isDrillReady)
+                  .collect(Collectors.toList());
+              if (providers.size() < 1) {
+                logger.warn("No drill-ready provider found for leaf {}, adding 
foreman as the provider", hash);
+                providers.add(ipfsContext.getMyself());
+              }
+              logger.debug("Got {} providers for {} from IPFS", 
providers.size(), hash);
+              ImmutableList.Builder<IPFSTreeFlattener> builder = 
+              for (IPFSPeer provider : providers.subList(1, providers.size())) 
+                builder.add(new IPFSTreeFlattener(provider.getId(), true));
+              }
+              ImmutableList<IPFSTreeFlattener> subtasks = builder.build();
+              subtasks.forEach(IPFSTreeFlattener::fork);
+              List<String> possibleAddrs = new LinkedList<>();
+              Multihash firstProvider = providers.get(0).getId();
+              IPFSTreeFlattener firstTask = new 
IPFSTreeFlattener(firstProvider, true);
+              String firstAddr = firstTask.compute().get(firstProvider);
+              if (firstAddr != null) {
+                possibleAddrs.add(firstAddr);
+              }
+              subtasks.reverse().forEach(
+                  subtask -> {
+                    String addr = subtask.join().get(subtask.hash);
+                    if (addr != null) {
+                      possibleAddrs.add(addr);
+                    }
+                  }
+              );
+              if (possibleAddrs.size() < 1) {
+                logger.error("All attempts to find an appropriate provider 
address for {} have failed", hash);
+                throw new RuntimeException("No address found for any provider 
for leaf " + hash);
+              } else {
+                Random random = new Random();
+                String chosenAddr = 
+                ret.clear();
+                ret.put(hash, chosenAddr);
+                logger.debug("Got peer host {} for leaf {}", chosenAddr, hash);
+              }
+            }
+          } catch (IOException e) {
+            throw new RuntimeException(e);
+          }
+          return ret;
+        }
+      }
+      logger.debug("start to recursively expand nested IPFS hashes, 
topHash={}", topHash);
+      Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
+      //FIXME parallelization width magic number, maybe a config entry?
+      ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool = new 
+      IPFSTreeFlattener topTask = new IPFSTreeFlattener(topHash, false);
+      Map<Multihash, String> leafAddrMap = forkJoinPool.invoke(topTask);
+      logger.debug("Took {} ms to expand hash leaves", 
+      logger.debug("Iterating on {} leaves...", leafAddrMap.size());
+      ClusterCoordinator coordinator = 
+      for (Multihash leaf : leafAddrMap.keySet()) {
+        String peerHostname = leafAddrMap.get(leaf);
+        Optional<DrillbitEndpoint> oep = coordinator.getAvailableEndpoints()
+            .stream()
+            .filter(a -> a.getAddress().equals(peerHostname))
+            .findAny();
+        DrillbitEndpoint ep;
+        if (oep.isPresent()) {
+          ep = oep.get();
+          logger.debug("Using existing endpoint {}", ep.getAddress());
+        } else {
+          logger.debug("created new endpoint on the fly {}", peerHostname);
+          //TODO read ports & version info from IPFS instead of hard-coded
+          ep = DrillbitEndpoint.newBuilder()
+              .setAddress(peerHostname)
+              .setUserPort(31010)
+              .setControlPort(31011)
+              .setDataPort(31012)
+              .setHttpPort(8047)
+              .setVersion(DrillVersionInfo.getVersion())
+              .setState(DrillbitEndpoint.State.ONLINE)
+              .build();
+          //TODO how to safely remove endpoints that are no longer needed once 
the query is completed?
+          ClusterCoordinator.RegistrationHandle handle = 
+        }
+        IPFSWork work = new IPFSWork(leaf.toBase58());
+        logger.debug("added endpoint {} to work {}", ep.getAddress(), work);
+        work.getByteMap().add(ep, DEFAULT_NODE_SIZE);
+        work.setOnEndpoint(ep);
+        if(endpointWorksMap.containsKey(ep.getAddress())) {
+          endpointWorksMap.get(ep.getAddress()).add(work);
+        } else {
+          List<IPFSWork> ipfsWorks = Lists.newArrayList();
+          ipfsWorks.add(work);
+          endpointWorksMap.put(ep.getAddress(), ipfsWorks);
+        }
+        ipfsWorkList.add(work);
+      }
+    }catch (Exception e) {
+      logger.debug("exception in init");
+      throw new RuntimeException(e);
+    }
+  }
+  private IPFSGroupScan(IPFSGroupScan that) {
+    super(that);
+    this.ipfsContext = that.ipfsContext;
+    this.ipfsScanSpec = that.ipfsScanSpec;
+    this.config = that.config;
+    this.assignments = that.assignments;
+    this.ipfsWorkList = that.ipfsWorkList;
+    this.endpointWorksMap = that.endpointWorksMap;
+    this.columns = that.columns;
+  }
+  @JsonProperty
+  public List<SchemaPath> getColumns() {
+    return columns;
+  }
+  @JsonIgnore
+  public IPFSStoragePlugin getStoragePlugin() {
+    return ipfsContext.getStoragePlugin();
+  }
+  @JsonProperty
+  public IPFSScanSpec getIPFSScanSpec() {
+    return ipfsScanSpec;
+  }
+  @Override
+  public List<EndpointAffinity> getOperatorAffinity() {
+    if (affinities == null) {
+      affinities = AffinityCreator.getAffinityMap(ipfsWorkList);
+    }
+    return affinities;
+  }
+  @Override
+  public int getMaxParallelizationWidth() {
+    DrillbitEndpoint myself = 
+    int width;
+    if (endpointWorksMap.containsKey(myself.getAddress())) {
+      // the foreman is also going to be a minor fragment worker under a 
UnionExchange operator
+      width = ipfsWorkList.size();
+    } else {
+      // the foreman does not hold data, so we have to force parallelization
+      // to make sure there is a UnionExchange operator
+      width = ipfsWorkList.size() + 1;
+    }
+    logger.debug("getMaxParallelizationWidth: {}", width);
+    return width;
+  }
+  @Override
+  public void applyAssignments(List<DrillbitEndpoint> incomingEndpoints) {
+    logger.debug("ipfsWorkList.size() = {}", ipfsWorkList.size());
+    logger.debug("endpointWorksMap: {}", endpointWorksMap);
+    if (endpointWorksMap.size()>1) { //偶尔还会出错?
+      //incomingEndpoints是已经排好顺序的endpoints,和fragment 顺序对应
+      logger.debug("Use manual assignment");
+      assignments = ArrayListMultimap.create();
+      for (int fragmentId = 0; fragmentId < incomingEndpoints.size(); 
fragmentId++) {
+        String address = incomingEndpoints.get(fragmentId).getAddress();
+        if (endpointWorksMap.containsKey(address)) { //如果对应的节点有工作
+          for (IPFSWork work : endpointWorksMap.get(address)) {
+            assignments.put(fragmentId, work);
+          }
+        } else //如果对应的节点没有工作安排,分配一个空work
+        {

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