This is a good callout. Those numbers still seem very slow. One item I'm
curious of is if you are dropping the id when you index, or if the id is
also being indexed into the druid segments.

With how druid does indexing, it dictionary encodes all the dimension
values. So the cardinality of rows is a factor of QueryGranularity and the
cardinality of dimension value tuples per query granularity "bucket". This
allows dynamic slice and dice on the data. But if it is accidentally
including a dimension with very high cardinality (like ID) in the
dictionary encoding, then it is not able to make efficient use of roll-up.

In order to facilitate dynamic slice and dice, the theta sketches need to
have *some* kind of object stored per dimension tuple per query granularity
(but only if the tuple appears in that bucket). So you can reduce the
number of things that get read off of disk by trying to increase the
rollup. Usually this is done by dropping or reducing high cardinality
dimensions, but can also be done by changing the query granularity.

Another trick is to use topN or Timeseries. In general, those query types
are able to able to have better optimizations since they have a very
limited scope use case.

Now, to Theta Sketches itself, I am not as familiar with the Theta Sketches
code paths. It is possible there are performance gains to be had.

Hope this helps,
Charles Allen

On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 3:38 AM <>

> Hi Druid devs,
> I am testing Druid for our specific count distinct estimation case. Data
> was ingested via Hadoop indexer.
> When simplified, it has following schema:
> timestamp    key    country    theta-sketch<id>    event-counter
> So, there are 2 dimensions, one counter metric, one theta sketch metric.
> Data granularity is a DAY.
> Data source in deep storage is 150-200GB per day.
> I was doing some test runs with our small test cluster (4 Historical
> nodes, 8 CPU, 64GB RAM, 500SSD RAM). I admit with this RAM-SSD ratio and
> number of nodes it is not going to be fast. The question though is in
> theta-sketches performance compared to counters aggregation. The difference
> is an order of magnitude. E.g.: GroupBy query for a single key, aggregated
> on 7 days:
> event-counters - 30 seconds.
> theta-sketches -  7 minutes.
> Theta Sketch aggregation implies more work than summing up numbers of
> course. But Theta Sketch documentation says that union operation is very
> fast.
> I did some profiling of one of Historical nodes. Most of CPU time is spent
> in
> io.druid.query.aggregation.datasketches.theta.SketchObjectStrategy.fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer,
> int). Which I think is moving Sketch objects from off-heap to managed heap.
> To be precise, time is spent in sketch library methods
> Do not think anything is wrong with this code, except for why is it called
> so many times.
> Which leads to main question. I do not really understand how theta-sketch
> is stored in columnar database. Assuming it is stored same way as counter,
> it means that for every combination of "key" and "country" (dimensions from
> above) - there is a theta sketch structure to be stored. In our case "key"
> cardinality is quite high. Hence so many Sketch structure accesses in Java.
> Looks extremely ineffective. Again, it is just an assumption. Please excuse
> me if am wrong here.
> If you continue thinking in this direction, in terms of performance it
> makes sense to store one Theta sketch for every dimension value, so instead
> of having cardinality(key) * cardinality(countries) entries there will be
> cardinality(key) + cardinality(countries) sketches. In this case it looks
> like an index, not a part of columnar storage itself.
> Queries for 2 dimensions are easy, as there is only one INTERSECTION to be
> done. It all looks like a natural thing to do for sketches, as there will
> be a win in terms of storage and query performance.
> My question is if I am right or wrong in my assumptions. If my
> understanding is not correct and sketches are already stored in optimal
> way, could someone give advice on speeding up computations on a single
> Historical node? Otherwise, wanted to ask if there is an attempt or
> discussion to use sketches in the way I described.
> Thanks in advance.
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