Hi All,

I'm Furkan KAMACI who is a person loves open source, Java, and Machine
Learning. I'm a member of The Apache Software Foundation, PMC member of
Apache Incubator, Committer and PMC member of Apache Gora, Committer and
PMC member of Apache Nutch, Committer of Apache ManifoldCF and mail list
moderator of Apache Solr. I'm also a member of W3C (World Wide Web

I've developed software and managed teams which creates products on
analyzing Petabytes of data to run efficient Machine Learning and Search
algorithms on Big Data. I have a work experience +10 years including
companies as like Alcatel-Lucent/Nokia and has an academical background.
Currently, I have a company named as LAGOM which works on Big Data and
Machine Learning and contributes to open source projects.

I've contributed to many ASF projects throughout the years including Gora,
ManifoldCF, Nutch, Solr/Lucene, Stanbol, Clerezza, Commons CSV, Fluo and

I believe the power of Druid and would like to take part in its journey
into becoming a TLP of Apache and want to take responsibility as a Mentor.

PS: My Apache and GitHub id are kamaci.

Kind Regards,

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