Hey Julian,

Your pessimism in this matter is understandable but regrettable!

It would be great to see this effort become part of mainline Druid. It is a
more maintainable approach than a separate repo, because it gets rid of the
risk of interface drift, and it makes sure that all the tests are run
whenever we do a Druid release. It's more upfront work for you (and for
us), but Spark and Druid are both important OSS projects and I think it is
good to encourage better integration between them. I have also written in
the past about the importance of us getting better at accepting
contributions (at https://s.apache.org/aqicd). It is not always easy, since
reviewing contributions takes time, and it is mostly done on a volunteer
basis. But I think if you are game to work with us on this one, let's try
to get it in. I say that out of pure idealism, not having looked at the
design or code at all 🙂

In the mail I linked, I had written:

> For contributors, focusing on UX and tests means writing out (in natural
> language) how your patch changes user experience, and why you think this
> change is a good idea. It also means having good testing of the new stuff
> you're adding, and writing out (in natural language) why you think your
> tests cover all the important cases. Speaking as a person that has
> a lot of code: these natural language descriptions are *very helpful*,
> especially when they add context to the patch. Don't make reviewers
> reverse-engineer your code to guess what you were thinking.

As I said, I haven't looked at your design doc or PR yet. But if they cover
the above stuff, could you please point me to the right places that have
the most up-to-date info, and I will put my money where my mouth is and
review them in the way that I suggested in that thread. (i.e., focusing on
user experience and test coverage.)

By the way, I think the mailing list chomped your links. I'll reproduce
them here.

1) Mailing list:
2) Slack: https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/CJ8D1JTB8/p1581452302483600
3) GitHub: https://github.com/apache/druid/issues/9780
4) Pull request: https://github.com/apache/druid/pull/10920

On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 10:37 PM Julian Jaffe <julianfja...@gmail.com>

> Hey Druids,
> Last April, there was some discussion on this mailing list, Slack, and
> GitHub around building Spark-Druid connectors. After working up a rough
> cut, the effort was dormant until a few weeks ago when I returned to it.
> I’ve opened a pull request for the connectors, but I don’t realistically
> expect it to be accepted. Am I too pessimistic in my assumptions here?
> Otherwise, what’s the best course of action - create a standalone repo and
> add a link in the Druid docs?
> Julian

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