Lokesh, it looks like you got dropped from the thread, so I'm adding you
back. Please check out the previous message for some comments.

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On Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 10:10 PM Gian Merlino <g...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hey Lokesh,
> The concept and API looks solid to me! Thank you for writing this up. I
> agree with Ben's comment. This will be really useful functionality.
> I have a few questions about how it would work:
> 1) How is the timestamp exposed exactly? I see there is a
> recordTimestampLabelPrefix, but what is that a prefix to? Also: what do you
> think about accepting the entire name of the timestamp field instead?
> Finally: in the docs it would be good to have an example of how people can
> write a timestampSpec that refers to the Kafka timestamp, and also how they
> can load the Kafka timestamp as a long-typed dimension storing millis since
> the epoch (our convention for secondary timestamps).
> 2) You mention that the key will show up as "kafka.key", and in the
> example you provide I don't see a parameter enabling a choice of what that
> field is called. Is it hard-coded or is it configurable somehow?
> 3) Could you write up some user-facing docs too, like an addition to
> development/extensions-core/kafka-ingestion.md? That way, people will know
> how to use this feature. And it'll help us better understand how it's
> supposed to work. (Perhaps it could have answered the two questions above)
> Full disclosure: I haven't reviewed the patch yet; these questions are
> just based on your writeup.
> On Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 3:00 PM Lokesh Lingarajan
> <llingara...@confluent.io.invalid> wrote:
>> Motivation
>> Today we ingest a number of high cardinality metrics into Druid across
>> dimensions. These metrics are rolled up on a per minute basis, and are
>> very
>> useful when looking at metrics on a partition or client basis. Events is
>> another class of data that provides useful information about a particular
>> incident/scenario inside a Kafka cluster. Events themselves are carried
>> inside the kafka payload, but nonetheless there is some very useful
>> metadata that is carried in kafka headers that can serve as a useful
>> dimension for aggregation and in turn bringing better insights.
>> PR(#10730 <https://github.com/apache/druid/pull/10730>) introduced
>> support
>> for Kafka headers in InputFormats.
>> We still need an input format to parse out the headers and translate those
>> into relevant columns in Druid. Until that’s implemented, none of the
>> information available in the Kafka message headers would be exposed. So
>> first there is a need to implement an input format that can parse headers
>> in any given format(provided we support the format) like we parse payloads
>> today. Apart from headers there is also some useful information present in
>> the key portion of the kafka record. We also need a way to expose the data
>> present in the key as druid columns. We need a generic way to express at
>> configuration time what attributes from headers, key and payload need to
>> be
>> ingested into druid. We need to keep the design generic enough so that
>> users can specify different parsers for headers, key and payload.
>> Proposal is to design an input format to solve the above by providing
>> wrapper around any existing input formats and merging the data into a
>> single unified Druid row.
>> Proposed changes
>> Let's look at a sample input format from the above discussion
>> *"inputFormat":{        "type": "kafka", // New input format type
>> "headerLabelPrefix": "kafka.header.", // Label prefix for header columns,
>> this will avoid collisions while merging columns
>> "recordTimestampLabelPrefix": "kafka.", // Kafka record's timestamp is
>> made
>> available in case payload does not carry timestamp        "headerFormat":
>> // Header parser specifying that values are of type string        {
>>       "type": "string"        },       "valueFormat": // Value parser from
>> json parsing       {             "type": "json",
>>  "flattenSpec":
>> {                     "useFieldDiscovery": true,
>> "fields": [...]             }        },        "keyFormat": // Key parser
>> also from json parsing         {             "type": "json"         }}*
>> Since we have independent sections for header, key and payload, it will
>> also enable parsing each section with its own parser, eg., headers coming
>> in as string and payload as json.
>> KafkaInputFormat(the new inputFormat class) will be the uber class
>> extending inputFormat interface and will be responsible for creating
>> individual parsers for header, key and payload, blend the data resolving
>> conflicts in columns and generating a single unified InputRow for Druid
>> ingestion.
>> "headerFormat" will allow users to plug in a parser type for the header
>> values and will add the default header prefix as "kafka.header."(can be
>> overridden) for attributes to avoid collision while merging attributes
>> with
>> payload.
>> Kafka payload parser will be responsible for parsing the Value portion of
>> the Kafka record. This is where most of the data will come from and we
>> should be able to plugin existing parsers. One thing to note here is that
>> if batching is performed, then the code should be augmenting header and
>> key
>> values to every record in the batch.
>> Kafka key parser will handle parsing the Key portion of the Kafka record
>> and will ingest the Key with dimension name as "kafka.key".
>> Operational impact, Test plan & Future work
>> Since we had an immediate need to ingest blended data from header and
>> payload, we have implemented the above proposal in a PR - here
>> <https://github.com/apache/druid/pull/11630>
>> -Lokesh Lingarajan

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