I just took a look, and it looks like a few other people did too. Sorry it
took so long!

I do think that "review for a review" is a good way to go, I think! Thanks
for volunteering.

On Mon, May 2, 2022 at 12:12 PM Lucas Capistrant <capistrant.lu...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I'm writing in regards to my enhancement proposal, #10876
> <https://github.com/apache/druid/issues/10876>, and subsequent PR, #10877
> <https://github.com/apache/druid/pull/10877>. The issue and PR are related
> to what unused segments the Druid coordinator is able to find and kill with
> machine generated kill tasks. Currently, only segments whose interval end
> date are in the past (relative to the time the Coordinator is looking for
> segments) are able to be killed automatically. My solution allows unused
> segments to be killed whose interval end date is in the future (relative to
> when the Coordinator searches for segments to kill)
> My team has found the existing functionality to introduce waste in
> deepstore and metastore when our users are using Druid to build datasources
> that span into the future. These data sources are then being refreshed
> iteratively as future projections change, resulting in unused segments due
> to overshadowing (a common occurrence at my org). Before we applied my
> proposed change internally, we had built up a lot of unused data in
> deepstore and metastore. After using this new feature, we are able to keep
> our deepstore and metastore much more clean. I think this would be a great
> thing for others in the community to have access to to avoid similar data
> storage pain points.
> Unfortunately, it has been quite some time since the PR was created, and
> the only code review I've been able to land was from a non-committer
> colleague of mine. I fear it may never be taken up without a little extra
> push now that it is so far down the open PRs list. My hope is that bringing
> up the topic in the dev list catches the eye of a neutral party who may
> want to give it a look.
> I'm going to be able to spend a decent amount of time these next few weeks
> reviewing open PRs in the Druid project, so I'm more than happy to set up a
> "review for a review" type of agreement with someone who is also working on
> a new change. Feel free to reach out directly via email or a comment on my
> PR if you have something you are working to get reviewed.
> Thank you,
> Lucas Capistrant

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