Hi Maithri,

I haven't encountered something like this before so I'm not sure what's
causing it. Is it reproducible? If you could provide some steps for someone
else to see the same thing you're seeing — maybe it relies on a particular
Java version, or particular Druid version, or something — then that would
be helpful.

On Thu, Jun 2, 2022 at 11:16 AM Maithri Vemula <mvem...@nuvalence.io> wrote:

> Hello concerned,
> I am doing druid kafka integration and at times the coordinator and
> overlord pods are crashing with the error EJB interceptor binding API is
> not available and JAX-RS EJB support is diabled. I saw a similar discussion
> but it's closed now. https://github.com/apache/druid/issues/8030. Is it
> something someone from your team can help me with?
> Thanks,
> Maithri Vemula.

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