
I am from Zipkin, and we like Dubbo :)

We recently created a TracingFilter, but I am having problems with lifecycle.

I thought that when an ExtensionLoader loads a filter, it would look
for public setters and then assign them. For example, I'd expect
something similar to this:

1. filter = "tracing", so load the associated filter in this case TracingFilter
2. set any setters on that object (in this case it has setTracing)
   * this for example, would come from spring

What I'm noticing is that this does not occur. I have to manually set
the dependency of TracingFilter like this:

// TODO: Why isn't TracingFilter.setTracing called automatically by
Dubbo's spring stuff
@Configuration class InjectTracingFilter {
  @Autowired Tracing tracing;

  public void setTracing() {
    ((TracingFilter) ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Filter.class)

Can you please help me fix this? I'd like to use the Tracing instance
already in spring context.

Here's the related issue


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