Hi,Ian.luo and community,

rpc-rest is a very important rpc implementation for Dubbo Rpc, but I found
this module is not maintained after merging from DubboX. Here I list some
code smells of current version as following:

1) The module of dubbo-remoting-http are a must dependency because of
httpbinder is injected to RestProtocol, But actually it is optional.
2) Most of classes including RpcExceptionMapper, RestConstraintViolation,
ContentType,ViolationReport, LoggingFilter, were not used
3) rest-rpc logic intrusion into the base module of Dubbo  because of the
new added class  ServiceClassHolder
4) No comments, the code style is not standardized.

so I would like to refactor this module as the follwing,
1) completely comform to the jax-rs API 2.1 and user can choose any
providers like Resteasy. According to Dubbo's philosophy, it is still
appropriate for users to choose.
2) Reuse the web container without restarting an HTTP server if the user
APP is already running in a HTTP container?
3) Make dubbo-remoting-http the provider of
4) surely make the useless removed and fix the code smells.


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