Great! I'm looking forward to 3.x!


From: Liujie Qin<>
Date: 2018-09-17 17:40
To: dev<>
Subject: Proposal for creating new branch 3.x
Hi everyone,two months ago I sent an email to disucss "Proposal for Dubbo
3.0" and now it is time to move on.

I can think of things that we could do now:

   - to create an serivce metadate object to represent dubbo service
   object,rather than use url as before
   - refactor ExtensionLoader,remove dynamically generated classes
   code,remove url dependency
   - to make call chain totally asynchronous,so we have to change
   org.apache.dubbo.rpc.Filter and org.apache.dubbo.rpc.Invoker Interface
   to return Future/CompletableFuture
   - add event notification framework for support various event
   - and so on..

First of all,maybe we can create a branch call 3.x now,and detail refactor
discussion will be in mail list/github later.

Comments welcome!

thank you ~

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