Dear experts,

We are using Dubbo 2.7.6. 
The DubboBootstrap is the newest way of managing the exported APIs and the API 
For our use case, we have several different APIs to be exported. Each API 
exposes a specific service from one or several components of our cluster. 
During the runtime, we have health check threads to check the health of the 
underlying components. Accordingly, we would like to un-export the exported 
APIs using the unhealthy component (without un-exporting the other APIs using 
heathy components). Upon the components health status is back to good, we also 
would like to re-export the corresponding APIs.

So far, we could not find a proper way to handle this use case with 
With DubboBootstrap, the initialization (including exporting services) is only 
invoked when starting the Bootstrap. And a DubboBootstrap.getInstance().stop() 
will simply stop every services.
We could not find a way to update a targeted service after starting the 

Do you have any experience regarding this aspect? 
We will highly appreciate if you can enlighten us with your expertise.

Best regards
Tien Dat PHAN

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