I am pleased to be calling this vote for the release of Apache ECharts

The release candidate to be voted over is available at:
MD5 (apache-echarts-4.1.0.rc1-incubating.zip) =

The release candidate is signed with a GPG key available at:

A tagged git repository is available for review at:

The Git commit for this release is:

[Release Note]

+ [Feature] Enable candlestick and bar chart rendering and zooming in large
amount of data (200K). Add option `series.progressiveChunkMode` to enhance
the effect when progressively rendering.
+ [Feature] Add zoom and drag interactions for tree diagram.
+ [Feature] Support keeping-aspect for legend path. #7831
+ [Feature] Support node dragging for sankey chart.

+ [Enhance] Category axis enhancement:
+ Optimize the performance in large amount of data (> 100K ~ 1M)
+ Enhance the auto interval strategy.
+ Enhance the animation when zooming and moving the data window of
+ [Enhance] In line chart, enhance symbol display strategy when using
category axis (see `showAllSymbol:'auto'`).
+ [Enhance] Support that lift the brushed elements to the top (add option
+ [Enhance] Enhance the category axis ticks and labels when there was no
enough space to display all labels.
+ [Enhance] Enhance the order of nodes for sankey diagram. #3390 #3543
#6365 #4880 #4986
+ [Enhance] Enhance sampling performance in progressive mode.
+ [Enhance] Enhance parallel performance in progressive mode.
+ [Enhance] Currently do not filter empty data item in data zoom, which
makes line chart keeping broken. #7955
+ [Enhance] Support toolbox.feature merge.
+ [Enhance] Add tree directions from right to left, from bottom to top for
tree series. #7351 #7154

+ [Fix] Resolve browser become unresponsive when the data of sankey series
has cycle. #7495 #8117 #7583 #7325 #6555
+ [Fix] `yAxis` extent did not update when some of the stacked bar series
hide. #8003
+ [Fix] Currently we fetch name from `dateItem.name` firstly in list. #7966
+ [Fix] Typed array incorrect usage in WeChat app.
+ [Fix] `option` in axis data item did not work. #7954
+ [Fix] `markArea` only displayed the last one. #7902
+ [Fix] Fixed the WeChat environment imprecise detection.
+ [Fix] Rounding error in clip symbol for line chart. #7913
+ [Fix] The default tooltip in candlestick only showed one item. #8149
+ [Fix] Bar chart start point was incorrect when multiple axes exist. #7412
+ [Fix] `markArea` did not display when using ordinal string. #7849
+ [Fix] `dataZoom` threw error when series was empty. #7666
+ [Fix] Add compatibility of data exceptions for sankey series. #2867
+ [Fix] Fix error when removing node or rendering again for the tree
series. #8038 #8040 #7720 #7363 #7315
+ [Fix] `sunburst` chart roll-up element was not removed when
chart.setOption called. #8132
+ [Fix] SVG axisPointer text position bug. #7947
+ [Fix] Large lines chart render bug in large mode.
+ [Fix] The last day of a month was not displayed in calendar. #8045
+ [Fix] Data sampling of line chart caused incorrect extent when data had
+ [Fix] Data sampling of line chart worked abnormally when using
`series.encode`. #8017
+ [Fix] `legendHoverLink: false` did not work appropriately when multiple
series had the same name. #8010
+ [Fix] Some of the graph hover style did not work.
+ [Fix] Fix axis extent calculation error when using stack.

Please vote on releasing this package as:
Apache ECharts 4.1.0.rc1

This vote will be open until "Tue May 01 2018 02:56:20 GMT+0800 (CST)" and
passes if a majority of at least three +1 Apache ECharts IPMC votes are

[ ] +1 Release this package
[ ] 0 I don't feel strongly about it, but don't object
[ ] -1 Do not release this package because...

Anyone can participate in testing and voting, not just committers, please
feel free to try out the release candidate and provide your votes.

Su Shuang (100pah)

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