Hi dear developers,

Here we'd like to discuss about
https://github.com/apache/incubator-echarts/issues/7651 . Since the issues
is in Chinese, here I'm going to describe it in English.

[image: axisPointer position.png]

Basically, it is required in the issue that the cross point of the
axisPoint always snap to data point. In this case, the x position of the
cross point is decided by mouse position, and the y position by the data of
the corresponding x position.

But currently, ECharts doesn't provide a method for the y position to be at
data position. I'm not sure if *snap* is the correct word since currently
the snap option in axisPoint seems to mean to be near to the data but not

Expected: https://gupiao.baidu.com/stock/sh000001.html?from=aladingpc
Current ECharts: http://gallery.echartsjs.com/editor.html?c=x8K2BwAFx5&v=2

We'd like to discuss in this email:
1. Should we implement the feature as the *Expected* example shows?
2. Should this be called *snap* or something else?
3. Should we provide an option or make this default?
4. Is there anything we should be aware of when implementing this? @100pah

Zhang Wenli

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