Hi,eCharts developers team, when I use echarts in my project, I meet same
problems below:

Reproduction link


Steps to reproduce

使用scatter 散点图时,同时使用了legend和brush选择,为什么当界面上数据超过1W
(Using scatter diagram, using the legend and brush to choose, why when the
interface data on more than 70000 data quantity, at the time of legend and
brush selected, the scatter plot is to refresh, you can within the 10000
data points, according to the normal not reload the scatter plot.)。

What is expected?

数据量可以设定,在一定值后可以重新加载,或者不重新加载(The amount of data
can be set and can be reloaded or not reloaded after a certain value)

What is actually happening?

当数据超过1w数据就重新加载了(When the data exceeds 10000, it is reloaded)。


Best Regards!



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