Hi Yi,

Thanks for the sample. I actually went back to my previous tests and I now
remember the issue I faced with `registerPostUpdate`. Once I have the width
of the axis, I need to update the chart with a new option. Unfortunately,
it doesn't  like that even when passing `lazyUpdate: true` and I get the
`Uncaugt `Error: `setOption` should not be called during`. I tried using
`ecModel.mergeOption`, but since it's postUpdate, it won't reflect the
change until the next render.

Any suggestions?


On Wed, Mar 3, 2021 at 1:06 AM Yi Shen <shenyi....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jonathan.
> `getBoundingRect ` should work properly in `registerPostUpdate`
> because everything has been constructed. I write an example to demo it[1].
> I'm not sure why it won't work for you.
> Add `auto` support in offset is helpful in cases like this. Do you mind
> creating an issue on GitHub so we can track it?
> [1] https://codesandbox.io/s/cool-jackson-om9cg?file=/src/index.js
> Regards
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2021 at 10:53 PM Jonathan Avila <avilajonat...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Yi,
>> Here's a video of what I was trying to achieve. Notice how the right
>> y-axes will adjust to fit the labels when the animation finishes and the
>> `grid.right` also changes.
>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZteuLiBba2qpvkbriRHkMjt388sJgvwG/view?usp=sharing
>> On Mon, Mar 1, 2021 at 8:44 AM Jonathan Avila <avilajonat...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Yi,
>>> Thanks for the reply. I had given `registerPostUpdate` a try, but on the
>>> very first rendering, it will still execute before the yAxisView has
>>> rendered and `getBoundingRect` returns width and height of 0. The reason
>>> why I can't easily calculate the offset manually is because our app allows
>>> users to configure the number of axes and the metric used in each axis. In
>>> this "data exploration" mode, the required offset and width of each axis
>>> can change quite a bit based on things like the label formatting and the
>>> axis extent.
>>> In an ideal world, we'd have some sort of `auto` offset with some small
>>> gap between each axis, but or now, I was able to achieve what I'm looking
>>> for using `chart.on('finished', handler)` + setOption. It's working well
>>> for me, but I have to make sure I use lazyUpdate for setOption when I
>>> calculate the offset of each axis based on the offset of the axis to the
>>> left.
>>> I'll try and follow with a reply that contains a GIF to show the result
>>> of what I did.
>>> Thanks
>>> Jonathan
>>> On Mon, Mar 1, 2021 at 4:00 AM Yi Shen <shenyi....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jonathan,
>>>> echarts is rendered synchronously after `setOption`. So you can always
>>>> use `view.group.getBoundingRect` to get the bounds after `setOption`.
>>>> Or if you wan't to do it before rendering to canvas. There is a stage
>>>> post update that can be extended by `registerPostUpdate`.
>>>> But I will suggest you calculating the right offset according to the
>>>> axis number and maximum width of the axis labels, which I think is not hard
>>>> to get if the result is not required to be very accurate.
>>>> Regards
>>>> On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 10:33 PM Jonathan Avila <
>>>> avilajonat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Echart Dev Team,
>>>>> I'm working on a chart that will have a dynamic number of y axis
>>>>> positioned
>>>>> to the right. I want to be able to set the right offset for each axis
>>>>> to
>>>>> avoid label overlap, but I would like to avoid setting a fixed number
>>>>> for
>>>>> the offset to maximize the available space.
>>>>> My first attempt was to try and use `echarts.registerVisual` function
>>>>> to
>>>>> get the ComponentView and then get its width and height with
>>>>> `view.group.getBoundingRect()`. Unfortunately, the method will execute
>>>>> before the axis view has rendered, so the boundingRect will have width
>>>>> 0
>>>>> and height 0. Do you guys have any suggestions on how I could proceed?
>>>>> Is
>>>>> there a way that I listen for a render event on an component view or
>>>>> perhaps some zRender event that I can try?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Jonathan
>>>> --
>>>> Yi Shen
>>>> Apache ECharts(incubating) PMC
> --
> Yi Shen
> Apache ECharts(incubating) PMC

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