Hi all,

After more digging I was able to figure out the issue. In my first jar (
cputemptopology-1.0.0.jar) which contains the TopologyBuilder
implementation, I haven't registered the service provider and hence the
ServiceLoader was unable to pick up the service. After fixing this I was
able to get it running.

So my current cputemptopology-1.0.0.jar has the following structure.

│   ├── maven
│   │   └── org.amrsnghe.test.topology
│   │       └── cputemptopology
│   │           ├── pom.properties
│   │           └── pom.xml
│   └── services
│       └── org.apache.edgent.topology.services.TopologyBuilder
└── org
    └── amrsnghe
        └── test
            └── topology
                ├── CPUTempSensor.class
                └── MyTopology.class

the META-INF/services/org.apache.edgent.topology.services.TopologyBuilder
has the following line:

Let me know if I am doing something wrong here. But this seems to work, and
the topology loaded from the jar is submitted to the direct provider and
executed without an issue.

Thank you.


On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 1:11 PM, Gayashan Amarasinghe <
gayashan.amarasin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Edgent community,
> I am a PhD student from University of Melbourne and I am interested in the
> Apache Edgent project. I need some help to implement a scenario to submit a
> topology externally to a provider. Unfortunately apart from some test cases
> in the source code and [1], I couldn't find any documentation on this. So
> here's what I have done so far,
>    - I have implemented the TopologyBuilder interface and created a
>    separate jar. This is the code in the class.
> public class MyTopology implements TopologyBuilder {
>     @Override
>     public String getName() {
>         return "MyCPUTempApp";
>     }
>     @Override
>     public BiConsumer<Topology, JsonObject> getBuilder() {
>         CPUTempSensor cpuTempSensor = new CPUTempSensor();
>         return (t, c) -> t.poll(cpuTempSensor, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
>                 .filter(readings -> readings >
> 35).sink(System.out::println);
>     }
> }
>    - In a separate project, I have created another class to instantiate a
>    DirectProvider and to load the previous jar using an AppService similar to
>    the IotAppServiceTest. Here's the code,
> public class DynamicAppLoader {
>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>         DirectProvider directProvider = new DirectProvider();
>         JsonControlService jsonControlService = new JsonControlService();
>         directProvider.getServices().addService(ControlService.class,
> jsonControlService);
>         ApplicationService service = 
> AppService.createAndRegister(directProvider,
> directProvider);
>         File cpuTempAppJar =
>                 new File("/home/gayashan/projects/
> research/cputemptopology/target/cputemptopology-1.0.0.jar");
>         try {
>             URL cpuTempAppJarUrl = cpuTempAppJar.toURI().toURL();
>             JsonObject registerJar = newRegisterJarRequest(
> cpuTempAppJarUrl.toExternalForm());
>             jsonControlService.controlRequest(registerJar);
>             JsonObject submitCpuTempApp = newSubmitRequest("
> MyCPUTempApp");
>             jsonControlService.controlRequest(submitCpuTempApp);
>             System.out.println(service.getApplicationNames());
>         } catch (Exception e) {
>             System.err.println("Error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
>         }
>     }
> ...
> // newRegisterJarRequest and newSubmitRequest methods are as same as in
> the IotAppServiceTest class.
> }
> But unfortunately I don't understand how to get this to work. Can someone
> help me with this and point where I am making a mistake? Apologies in
> advance if this seems like a trivial question.
> Thank you.
> [1] https://edgent.apache.org/recipes/recipe_dynamic_
> analytic_control.html#loosely-coupled-edgent-applications
> Best regards,
> Gayashan

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