Cool!  Can you add information to regarding the jenkins build 
stuff (setup how/when it runs, urls, etc)?

— Dale

> On Aug 23, 2017, at 3:33 AM, Christofer Dutz <> 
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> after getting the Jenkins build working, now we have our first SonarQube 
> analysis online:
> 12days of technical debt … that’s almost nothing (in the FlexJS project we 
> have more than 1000d)
> But beware … ususally SonarQube does show a lot of stuff that’s not really 
> bad. Usually we would create an “Edgent Way” quality profile which is forked 
> from the “Sonarqube Way” profile, which is currently active. There we can 
> enable/disable rules and change the severity.
> BUT I always think having a look at the results is a good thing to do. In the 
> past, I have found quite a lot of bad things with this.
> Chris

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