Hi Dale,

The problem is that the groupId of all samples is fixed to 
“org.apache.edgent.samples” … only for the normal modules do we have different 
modules with different groupIds not for the samples.
Ideally, we would add a second utils sample for Java7 … your groupId fragment 
as a property trick doesn’t work here. 


Am 26.09.17, 16:21 schrieb "Dale LaBossiere" <dml.apa...@gmail.com>:

    Hi Chris,
    Know what’s needed to straighten out the following?
    When I build the samples for j8 all is fine.  Notice the build order. Btw 
Apps depends on the Utils artifact.
    $ cd samples
    $ mvn clean package -DskipTests
    [INFO] Reactor Build Order:
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Utils
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Apps
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Topology
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Connectors
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Console
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Scenarios
    When I add in -Pplatform-java7 it fails.  Notice the build order.  No 
surprise the utils artifact doesn’t yet exist.
    $ mvn package -DskipTests -Pplatform-java7
    [INFO] Reactor Build Order:
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Apps
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Connectors
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Console
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Scenarios
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Topology
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Utils
    [INFO] Building Apache Edgent: Samples: Apps 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT
    [WARNING] The POM for 
org.apache.edgent.java7.samples:edgent-samples-utils:jar:1.2.0-SNAPSHOT is 
missing, no dependency information available
    [INFO] Reactor Summary:
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples ............................. SUCCESS [  
7.592 s]
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Apps ....................... FAILURE [  
0.386 s]
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Connectors ................. SKIPPED
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Console .................... SKIPPED
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Scenarios .................. SKIPPED
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Topology ................... SKIPPED
    [INFO] Apache Edgent: Samples: Utils ...................... SKIPPED

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