Merged and the samples removed!

Note: I commented out stuff for building/testing samples in Jenkinsfile.  
Presumably we’ll be able to replace that with first pulling down the samples 
from their repo, etc.
Didn’t bother with that change yet as I wanted to expedite the merge/cleanup.

— Dale

> On Nov 23, 2017, at 9:50 AM, Christofer Dutz <> 
> wrote:
> Ok … so I closed that one and created a new one … sorry … sort of skipped 
> that little detail ;-)
> Chris
> Am 23.11.17, 15:47 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" <>:
>    Yeah ….
>    Am 23.11.17, 14:59 schrieb "Dale LaBossiere" <>:
>        The PR is to “master” but it needs to be to “develop”, right?
>> On Nov 23, 2017, at 4:36 AM, Christofer Dutz <> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Dale,
>> ok I just updated my feature branch and created a pull request … feel free 
>> to merge and delete the samples.
>> I’ll take over from there then.
>> Chris
>> Am 22.11.17, 18:35 schrieb "Dale LaBossiere" <>:
>>   Chris, if you create a PR, I’ll merge it (or you can).
>>   Then I’ll create a PR for removing the samples and do that.
>>   Then you can remove the release branch and start it up again.
>>   Make sense?
>>   P.S. it’s Thanksgiving holiday in the US so response from me may be 
>> delayed a bit.
>>   — Dale

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