Hi Dale,

sorry for the late response. Have been some incredibly busy days for me.

I think the aggregated Javadoc should be generated from the release source 
bundle, by simply running “mvn clean javadoc:aggregate”
This should create the aggregated Javadoc in the target/site directory.


Am 15.12.17, 21:15 schrieb "Dale LaBossiere" <dlab...@apache.org>:

    FYI, the website updates for 1.2.0 are now live.
    I’ll update the javadoc once that’s figured out.
    In summary there are many updates:
    - updated Getting Started Guide
    - updated Downloads page
    - a new The Power of Edgent page
    - updated FAQ
    - a new Quickstart with Edgent Samples page
    - a new Edgent Application Development page
    — Dale
    > On Dec 14, 2017, at 3:27 PM, Dale LaBossiere <dlab...@apache.org> wrote:
    > Chris, thanks for pushing out the release!
    > I’m ready to update the website with PR-97 [1]
    > One thing that’s missing is the updated Javadoc.
    > I know it won’t work but for reference here’s the old process related to 
getting the releases javadoc onto the website [2]
    > And here’s what that javadoc looks like [3]
    > I can’t see to locate the analogous javadoc “index”/tree under the top 
level target after “mvn site:site site:stage”.  What’s the scoop?
    > [1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-edgent-website/pull/97 
    > [2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/EDGENT/Updating+Javadocs 
    > [3] http://edgent.apache.org/javadoc/latest/index.html 
    > — Dale

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