Hello everyone,

For quite some time we have been discussing to make a 1.0 release and have
had several discussions in developer sync up around it. Taking this to next
step, I propose next release line(after 0.10) of Apache Falcon to be 1.0

*Item 1 - Scope and Timelines*
Some of the items that are in works and I personally feel will be idle
candidate for 1.0 are - clean up our APIs(add a new version), introduce a
new shell for Falcon feed sla alerts, and move to the more powerful and
capable lifecycle framework for feeds among few.

After lot of thought and discussions with several members, I propose to not
aim for too many big features and a timeline of 2.5-3 months after the 0.10
release. This will ensure that critical fixes are not delayed and there is
only one active working line for code. We can add more features if other
community members are able to get them committed in time and our quality
team also feels comfortable.

*Item 2 - Migration Strategy*
While some of the changes like REST API clean up etc. can be done by adding
versioning others like migration to lifecycle framework etc. are bit more
involved. One important decision to be made is how to migrate to 1.0

Here are some of the options to migrate to new entity definitions in 1.0
(NOTE: REST api can be versioned and same end points can continue to work
albeit with newer definitions)

*Approach 1*. Take a one time hit, call the release backward incompatible
and provide changes inside falcon to automatically migrate to newer
definitions on start up. We can support this migration code for a couple of
releases and then later on remove it.

- Clean and easy to code -  no if else etc. for supporting features in
multiple manners.
- Intuitive for users - multiple options for same purpose are confusing for
the users.
- Easier to maintain - All bug fixes need to be done only in one code flow
and not at many places.

- involves migration - it can be automated by incorporating the migration
as part of falcon startup.

*Approach 2*. Support both old and new entity definitions.
- users can work with both versions and migrate at their own pace

- Hard to maintain - Lot of code will need to be duplicated (validations
etc.) or branched (wf builders etc.) All bug fixes will need to be fixed in
multiple places.
- Not scalable approach - The code will not scale easily if we decide to
support one more version.
- Manual migration - Users will have to migrate themselves to the new
entity definitions.
- Gotchas - What will happen if someone submits in newer version but calls
update in older version?

I invite all of you to provide your thoughts on both the items. There might
be more approaches or points to consider, suggestions are welcome.

Ajay Yadava

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