
Build and tests- OK
Signature - verified
Checksums - verified

On 8/5/16, 10:38 AM, "Balu Vellanki Bala" <bvella...@hortonworks.com>

>Hello Everyone,
>This is the call for vote for the following Release Candidate RC3 to be
>released as official Apache Falcon 0.10 release. This RC3 addressed
>* feedback provided for RC0
>* fixed bugs FALCON-2104 and FALCON-2107 found in RC1.
>* LICENSE and NOTICE issues found in RC2.
>The source tar ball, signature and checksum files can be downloaded from
>You can find the signing key here :
>You can find the KEYS file here:
>To verify signature:
>gpg --verify apache-falcon-0.10-sources.tar.gz.asc
>Git tag commit-id for the release : release-0.10-rc3
>We have closed around several JIRAs as part of this release, the details
>of which can be found here:
>Please find the release notes with brief explanation on key changes at
>Note: The hyper link 'migration instructions' under section-5 is set to
>l this link will only be available post release, once the Falcon
>documentation site is updated. At this moment, it will not work.
>This vote will remain open for at least 72 hours. Please vote on releasing
>this RC3
>[ ] +1 approve
>[ ] +0 no opinion
>[ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why)
>+1 from my side
>Thank you
>Balu Vellanki

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