See FELIX-3360, where I raised the same issue and provided a patch.
The patch may be outdated by now, I didn't check recently.



On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Marcel Offermans
<> wrote:
> I don't think you're missing something. The spec states CA should be doing 
> that already, so if our implementation is not, we should raise a bug.
> Greetings, Marcel
> On Aug 12, 2013, at 9:40 , David Jencks <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was under the impression that setting the location of the configuration to 
>> null when the bundle that owns the configuration is uninstalled was the 
>> responsibility of config admin.  Config admin sets the location when you 
>> call getConfiguration using the bundle's CA, surely it is also CA's 
>> responsibility to track the bundle and undo the locations when the bundle is 
>> uninstalled.
>> Am I missing something?
>> I don't see how it could affect this but I have a few tests and bug fixes 
>> for location binding and targeted pids that I hope to finish up and commit 
>> in the next couple of days.
>> thanks
>> david jencks
>> On Aug 12, 2013, at 12:34 AM, Felix Meschberger <> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Am 12.08.2013 um 08:16 schrieb Marcel Offermans:
>>>> Hello Felix,
>>>> On Aug 12, 2013, at 7:52 AM, Felix Meschberger <> wrote:
>>>>> Currently our Declarative Services implementation statically binds 
>>>>> configuration to the using bundle when such configuration is used to 
>>>>> configure a component. The intent was to follow the Configuration Admin 
>>>>> specification which also statically binds configuration to 
>>>>> ManagedService[Factory] when first supplying configuration which is not 
>>>>> previously bound.
>>>> In fact, the spec calls this "dynamic binding" when you supply a 
>>>> configuration that will be bound to the first bundle that registers a 
>>>> MS[F] with that PID. If this is indeed what you're talking about then I 
>>>> don't really get the problem you're describing as the spec already states 
>>>> (4.3 compendium 104.4.2):
>>>> "When this dynamically bound Bundle is subsequently uninstalled, 
>>>> configurations that are bound to this bundle must be released. That means 
>>>> that for such Configuration object’s the bundle location must be set to 
>>>> null again so it can be bound again to another bundle."
>>> Yes, that would be my solution (2) ;-)
>>>>> This mechanism works really nicely but has a problematic drawback: When 
>>>>> the "owning" bundle is uninstalled, configurations remain bound. If a new 
>>>>> version of the same bundle is installed later, configuration will thus 
>>>>> not be supplied because, presumably, the bundle will have a new bundle 
>>>>> location and thus does not own the configuration.
>>>>> I could imagine two solutions to this problem:
>>>>> (1) DS does not statically bind configuration any longer. So, if unbound 
>>>>> configuration is supplied to a component, it just remains unbound. In my 
>>>>> understanding, this bends on the semantics defined by the Configuration 
>>>>> Admin specification.
>>>>> (2) DS maintains a list of configurations which it has statically bound. 
>>>>> On Bundle UNINSTALLED events the location of the uninstalled bundle is 
>>>>> matched against the bindings of the configurations in the list and if 
>>>>> such bindings exists, it is removed again. In my understanding, this 
>>>>> would be the correct solution but is somewhat more complicated to 
>>>>> implement.
>>>>> WDYT ?
>>>> Just exploring the possible solutions:
>>>> (3) make sure you always set the location for the bundle with the same 
>>>> value, even after a re-install (for example, deployment admin uses the BSN 
>>>> as the location, which nicely solves this problem)
>>> You can only set the location from Bundle.getLocation() and DS has no 
>>> influence on that. Other installers may use the actual source URL from 
>>> which the bundle was installed.
>>>> (4) if you target 4.3 you could look into "using" the multi-location 
>>>> feature (although that might be bending the spec a bit as well)
>>> Right. That's a thread for the Web Console for example: If configuration is 
>>> created with the Web Console it should use the generic "?*" location by 
>>> default if the appropriate Configuration Admin API is wired.
>>> Regards
>>> Felix
>>>> Greetings, Marcel

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