We also discussed this on the call today.

See our notes/next steps. Others from the community, please weigh in if you
have inputs.

Table for Storage of GCM IDs for each Android Device for each user


   Both Pranjal and Nazeer are leaning towards a new dedicated table in the
   DB vs a dat atable

   Since it is a one to many relationship between devices and users and
   once the mobile apps roll out, everybody will be using.

How it Works:


   Pranjal - to be able to send notification users, need to call Google
   service with set of GCM IDs - need GCM ID of particular phone which is
   generated at time of device registration.

   If installed MIfos app, at time of login call google service, and
   generate GCM ID, and then need to store this on Mifos Server

   At time of creation of notifications, fetch GCM IDs of where to send
   notification too.

See https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/gcm and
http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~campbell/cs65/lecture24/lecture24.html for
more on GCM

On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 5:55 AM, Ed Cable <edca...@mifos.org> wrote:

> Nazeer,
> I'll let Pranjal or Rajan share more details about what needs to be
> implemented but we need your input on the ongoing work related to
> integrating the notifications framework to deliver notifications vi our
> Android mobile apps.
> Since there are currently no endpoints to register specific devices to the
> Apache Fineract platform. We need to create/design a table to store device
> registrations. Where and how would you suggest we structure this table?
> Pranjal, can you please share your notes on the full approach so Nazeer
> can understand full context.
> Nazeer - some rough notes from our last call can be found at:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/11W2P44TsE9uvJDVLKofDqpV0QoJE3
> qofvIkTsbRewEY/edit
> Thanks,
> Ed

*Ed Cable*
President/CEO, Mifos Initiative
edca...@mifos.org | Skype: edcable | Mobile: +1.484.477.8649

*Collectively Creating a World of 3 Billion Maries | *http://mifos.org
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