Hello community,

As efforts move forward to bring Apache Fineract CN into the project, I
want to start in a parallel a discussion of how we can properly convene a
discussion amongst the PMC and the community at large around a financial
inclusion roadmap for Apache Fineract CN.

Although this is not a published roadmap that any one individual is
responsible for, it's still vital to the community. I also fully recognize
that Apache Fineract will ultimately go beyond financial inclusion but as
the leader of the Mifos Initiative who champions and voices the need of the
financial inclusion community, I'm leading this effort to ensure we have a
collective roadmap around financial inclusion needs for this next
generation architecture.

Our PMC is broadly represented by individuals from various organizations
that work closely with a wide base of users across numerous regions in the
financial inclusion space so it's critical that at this time the PMC leads
the charge to collectively work towards clarity and guidance on the vision
for the future.

I wanted to formally introduce you all to a volunteer, Kristin Perchal,
that is assisting the Mifos Initiative in leading a process and product
management strategy to guide this roadmap for financial inclusion on Apache
Fineract CN. She is a consultant at BCG by day and has helped transform
global product management for many different companies.

She will help give recommendations on how we can incorporate the learning
of the past ten years and two generations of software, along with the needs
of our global landscape of our ecosystem of new and existing partners all
under the Apache Way.

She is starting her efforts by conducting interviews with individual
members of the PMC and partners in our community that will be shared and
documented on the Apache Fineract wiki. Topics she will be covering include:

   - How within their organizations, they create their own roadmaps and how
   they can feed those requirements into Apache Fineract
   - Their experiences with product and release management historically in
   Mifos and Apache Fineract community
   - Their role on the Mifos Partner Council and what worked and what
   - Ideal format of communication/collaboration as a member of PMC they'd
   like to have on roadmap.


*Ed Cable*
President/CEO, Mifos Initiative
edca...@mifos.org | Skype: edcable | Mobile: +1.484.477.8649

*Collectively Creating a World of 3 Billion Maries | *http://mifos.org
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