Try reproducing the same with the UI and see how does it send the API request.

You are sending something wrong -

Check the data which you are sending is matching the loan product values.

> On 12-Mar-2018, at 9:24 PM, Jamal Inkoom <> wrote:
> Hello Seniors,
> I'm trying to use the API for new loan creation. Below is my json and
> associated response respectively. Is there anything I'm doing wrong or is
> there known issue in this particular API that I'm not aware of? Any help
> from you will be very much appreciated.
> {"locale":"en","submittedOnDate":"08 January
> 2014","numberOfRepayments":"12","externalId":"FAFC000000001","amortizationType":"1","clientId":"1","productId":"1","interestType":"1","expectedDisbursementDate":"08
> January
> 2014","loanTermFrequency":"12","repaymentFrequencyType":"2","repaymentEvery":"1","principal":"2149.000000","createStandingInstructionAtDisbursement":true,"interestRatePerPeriod":"0.000000","loanType":"1","interestCalculationPeriodType":"1","dateFormat":"dd
> yyyy","linkAccountId":"1","loanTermFrequencyType":"2","transactionProcessingStrategyId":"1"}
> {"developerMessage":"The request was invalid. This typically will happen
> due to validation errors which are
> provided.","httpStatusCode":"400","defaultUserMessage":"Validation errors
> exist.","userMessageGlobalisationCode":"validation.msg.validation.errors.exist","errors":[{"developerMessage":"The
> parameter loanType must be between 1 and 3.","defaultUserMessage":"The
> parameter loanType must be between 1 and
> 3.","userMessageGlobalisationCode":"","parameterName":"loanType","value":null,"args":[{"value":0},{"value":1},{"value":3}]}]}
> regards,
> Jamal

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