Hello all,

It is nice to meet you all over email and I look forward to working with

Ed, thank you very much for the introduction. Ashok and Nayan, I look
forward to receiving your feedback.

I am currently working through consolidating the Generation 1 and
Generation 2 specs for Group Lending Support, along with identifying
opportunities for any improvements with the new Fineract CN architecture.

As Ed mentioned I would be keen to hear from current users, both from the
perspective of users at MFIs offering group lending and users who have
group accounts.

I am flexible in terms of timings for calls so if you would be interested
in discussing your Group Lending requirements as a Mifos user, please do
get in touch.

Kind regards,

On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 12:10 AM, Ed Cable <edca...@mifos.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I wanted to bump this thread to the top once more as it's critical part of
> the journey to parity and I was hoping for some input from partners and
> users in our community who have been focused on these methodologies for
> better of the past decade. Ashok and Nayan will soon be providing some
> feedback on this thread.
> I also have a product management volunteer, Tancred, who is willing to
> jump on some calls with folks and document your requirements and
> consolidate requirements from the previous two generations of software
> along with the needs of other group-based methodologies all in the context
> of the new Fineract CN architecture. Getting a clear spec in space is
> critical for equipping any future contributors/interns to work on such
> projects. I've cc'd Tancred on this email.
> As we seek to come to consensus of how we can extract the strengths of
> Fineract 1.x and its support of group-based operations and layer on them
> greater flexibility and benefits of the new architecture, we'll consider
> some of the following questions:
> *Group FormationAdministration*
> - Formation of the Group
> - Existence within the Center Hierarchy
> - Group Details Tracking (Officers, Attendance, Training, etc)
> - Transfers/Interactions of Clients Across Groups
> - Clients belonging to one or multiple groups.
> - Permission of Loan Officers/Data Scoping Related to Groups
> - Assigning of Loan Officers to Groups.
> *Calendar/Meeting*
> - At what level is this tracked - what activities can occur during a
> meeting, how interlinked to repayment schedule is the meeting, etc.
> - Collection Sheet Functionality - Generating collection sheet report and
> bulk entry interface for group/center data
> *Accounting at Group Level*
> - Here is where we had the biggest gap between support for joint liability
> group lending and what was needing for savings groups to allow for
> bookkeeping and settlement at the group level.
> *Loan Product Management*
> - Just as we've done with Fineract 1.x - all loan parameterization that is
> available to an individual loan should be available at a group loan level
> as well. Likewise, charges, collateral tracking, guarantors should all
> function similarly for group as it does individuals.
> - Likewise for deposit product management, I would assume a group or
> center is just another entity that you could then attach savings or deposit
> account too.
> *Monitoring at Account Level *
> - This is where we get into the distinctions between the various forms of
> group loans in this wiki page (https://mifosforge.jira.com/w
> iki/spaces/MIFOSX/pages/31358990/Loan+Tracking+strategies) and where
> complexity and confusion comes in - at what level of tracking is done, loan
> at group or individual level, co-liability amongst borrowers/group members,
> are individual amounts different, is there a repayment schedule at an
> individual or group level, does the loan get counted in the loan cycle
> counter/go into their credit history, etc.
> - At what level do repayments occur - for integrations with mobile money,
> this is an important distinction to make.
> - Loan Cycle Counter & Linkage to Graduation
> On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 3:51 PM, Ed Cable <edca...@mifos.org> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I want to put this out to the community to assist with so we can move
>> forward with implementing group lending support on Fineract CN which is one
>> of the key paths forward with parity between Fineract CN and Fineract 1.x.
>> Can you please help draft the spec for group-based operational
>> methodologies
>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FINERACT/Group-Based+Financial+Inclusion+Methodologies>
>> ?
>> It's also a barrier for students who are applying to a potential GSOC
>> project around a web UI for group lending support.
>> We have more than a decade of learning and knowledge of implementing
>> proper group lending support from our original gen 1 software (Mifos 2.x)
>> and our gen 2 software (Mifos X/Fineract 1.x) so I don't want us to throw
>> away all that knowledge and think we have to completely re-invent the wheel.
>> However I do want us take the learnings we implemented from the
>> transition to Gen 1 to Gen 2 as well as the learnings/improvements we want
>> to make off of Gen 2. We also want to bear in mind not just support
>> traditional JLGs/Solidarity groups but also Savings Groups, Village
>> Banking, Self Help Groups, etc.
>> I know that across the community we have both technical as well as
>> operational individuals who are experts in these matters so I really want
>> to challenge you all to assist the community in this regard. To get
>> everyone started, I'm putting in place a wiki page at
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FINERACT/Group-
>> Based+Financial+Inclusion+Methodologies to house the spec and also
>> linking to all the past specs/pseudo-requirements documents from before.
>> Generation 1 - Mifos 2.x
>>    - Group Accounts FS: http://mifosx.openmf.org/M
>>    ifos%20website/mifos.org/functional-specifications/account-
>>    management/group-accounts.html
>> <http://mifosx.openmf.org/Mifos%20website/mifos.org/functional-specifications/account-management/group-accounts.html>
>>    or https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/MIFOS/pages/
>>    73466196/Group+Accounts
>>    - Center Accounts FS: http://mifosx.openmf.org/M
>>    ifos%20website/mifos.org/functional-specifications/account-
>>    management/center-accounts.html
>> <http://mifosx.openmf.org/Mifos%20website/mifos.org/functional-specifications/account-management/center-accounts.html>
>>    - GLIM: https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/MIFOS/pages/44
>>    56859/GLIM+Functional+Specification
>> <https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/MIFOS/pages/4456859/GLIM+Functional+Specification>
>>    and https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/MIFOS/
>>    pages/4456866/Group+loan+with+individual+monitoring
>> <https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/MIFOS/pages/4456866/Group+loan+with+individual+monitoring>
>>    - Loans: https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/MIFOS/pages/
>>    7700948/Loans
>> Generation 2 - Mifos X
>>    - Groups API: https://demo.openmf.org/api-docs/apiLive.htm#groups
>>    - Groups & Centers User Manual: https://mifosforge.jir
>>    a.com/wiki/spaces/docs/pages/52035634/Clients+Groups+and+Centers
>> <https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/docs/pages/52035634/Clients+Groups+and+Centers>
>>    - Loan Tracking Strategies: https://mifosforge
>>    .jira.com/wiki/spaces/MIFOSX/pages/31358990/Loan+Tracking+strategies
>> <https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/MIFOSX/pages/31358990/Loan+Tracking+strategies>
>>    - Group Loan FS (early-stage): https://mifosfo
>>    rge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/MIFOS/pages/28213252/New+
>>    Group+Loan+Functional+Specification
>> <https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/MIFOS/pages/28213252/New+Group+Loan+Functional+Specification>
>>    and https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/MIFOSX/
>>    pages/25821209/Group+Lending+MifosX+FS
>> <https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/MIFOSX/pages/25821209/Group+Lending+MifosX+FS>
>>    - Self-Funded Groups: https://mifosforge.jir
>>    a.com/wiki/spaces/MIFOSX/pages/113017056/Self-Funded+Groups+
>>    SHGs+Savings+Groups+VSLAs
>> <https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/MIFOSX/pages/113017056/Self-Funded+Groups+SHGs+Savings+Groups+VSLAs>
>>       - Savings Groups per DreamStart Labs Requirements (Design for
>>       Fineract Data Model)
>>          - Savings Requirements v1.1
>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/75975654/Mifos_SG_Reqs_v1.1_edits.docx?version=1&modificationDate=1520639290346&api=v2>Savings
>>          Groups Requirements v1.1 Dreamstart Labs
>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/75975654/Mifos_SG_Reqs_v1.1_edits.docx?version=1&modificationDate=1520639290346&api=v2>
>>           Labs
>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/75975654/Mifos_SG_Reqs_v1.1_edits.docx?version=1&modificationDate=1520639290346&api=v2>
>>          - Savings Groups User Stories
>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/75975654/SHG_UserStories_Design.docx?version=1&modificationDate=1520639343727&api=v2>
>>          - Savings Groups Estimates
>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/75975654/SHG%20Estimates.xlsx?version=1&modificationDate=1520639352132&api=v2>
>> Ed
>> --
>> *Ed Cable*
>> President/CEO, Mifos Initiative
>> edca...@mifos.org | Skype: edcable | Mobile: +1.484.477.8649
>> *Collectively Creating a World of 3 Billion Maries | *http://mifos.org
>> <http://facebook.com/mifos>  <http://www.twitter.com/mifos>
> --
> *Ed Cable*
> President/CEO, Mifos Initiative
> edca...@mifos.org | Skype: edcable | Mobile: +1.484.477.8649
> *Collectively Creating a World of 3 Billion Maries | *http://mifos.org
> <http://facebook.com/mifos>  <http://www.twitter.com/mifos>

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