Hello Everyone,

My name is Fon Lawrence. I am a Computer Science student at the University
of Buea, Cameroon. I am interested in contributing to your community. I
heard about the Fineract Community from a GDG Buea event.

I am Comfortable with Java and Android and recently I began learning the
Spring Framework. I am also familiar with JavaScript but have not used it
extensively over the past year but I will come up to speed as required. I
am also interested to participate in the upcoming GSoC 2019 competition as
an intern.

It will be helpful if someone helped to explain the difference between
Mifos, Fineract 1.x and Fineract CN.
I will also like to know where to get started in Fineract 1.x and also
interested to know which mobile apps require contributions.

Thanks very much.
Fon Lawrence.

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