Hi everyone,

... hope you all enjoyed the holidays and had a good start into the new
year :-)

I have to appologize for my radio silence concerning the demo server, but I
got a bit steam rolled by work in the last 6 months.

Anyway, I just wanted to get this effort going again and would like to
discuss it with anyone interested.

The current status:

   - we have 2 (quite big) servers provided by the Apache Foundation to run
   the demo setup
   - initially I tried to get it running on one, but was not enough (even
   with 32GB of RAM and some swap configuration tricks)
   - I've used the demo server module with some minor modifications to turn
   off non-essential components (thanks Myrle)

Trying all of this took quite some time... even on the beefy machine from
Apache it took (as far as I remember) 30-40min until the demo server
startup would ultimately fail.

Instead of going down that route again I'd like to propose a different

   - I am assuming that we **don't** want to go all the way to setup a
   Kubernetes (or even a Docker Swarm) cluster; the goal is to just have a set
   of docker-compose.yml files to start the system
   - it would come in handy to have default Fineract CN Docker images
   published on Docker Hub
   - I suggest to add a Dockerfile in every microservice Git repository (e.
   g. fineract-cn-customer, fineract-cn-teller, fineract-cn-payroll) and let a
   CI server build and publish Docker images of these
   - to avoid code changes or Docker image rebuilds we should introduce
   environment variables in the application.yml files of these microservice
   projects; e. g.:

  clusterName: staging_cluster
  keyspace: seshat
    read: LOCAL_QUORUM
    write: LOCAL_QUORUM
    delete: LOCAL_QUORUM

... should look something like this:

  clusterName: ${FINERACT_CUSTOMER_CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NAME:staging_cluster}
    read: LOCAL_QUORUM
    write: LOCAL_QUORUM
    delete: LOCAL_QUORUM

   - with the above changes we could then define docker-compose.yml files
   like this (pseudo file for customer microservice):

version: '3.6'

    image: nexus.pelotoninnovations.com/rspndr/server-in-memory:latest
      - mongo
      - ./customer.env
      - "10000:10000"
    command: sh -c "java -Xmx1024m -Duser.timezone=UTC
-Dlogging.config=./logback.xml -jar -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true

... and the customer.env file would contain something like this:


   - we would provide templates for those env files (e. g.
   "customer.env.template"); custom configurations (e. g. "customer.env")
   should not be checked into Git
   - if no environment variables are provided then the defaults in the
   application.yml config files kick in with reasonable values for a local dev
   machine deployment (given the required resources unlikely for most devs)


   - ready to consume Fineract CN Docker images
   - no lengthy builds
   - no re-build (Gradle, Docker) for configuration changes
   - no requirement to do cluster (Swarm, Kubernetes) setup
   - the Docker images could still be used as the basic building blocks of
   more complex architectures (Kubernetes)
   - every service can be started/stopped separately which makes life a lot
   easier when we have to figure out the right configuration for the demo
   setup (I guess it would make it also easier for others that would like to
   setup their own environments)

I am using most (if not all) of the required bits and pieces for this setup
on a daily basis and I think it should be not too complicated to get this
working. And it would not interfere (too much) with the existing Git

Please let me know what you think...



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