Hi Niklas,

Provisioner micro service is the only one that creates any tables on
Rhythm (and any other micro service) waits until you tell Provisioner what
you want to do.

khepri_beats is application-specific table (it is kept in medatadata
database - called 'seshat' in Demo Server and Docker scripts).
So this table is created when you tell provisioner to create the
application (step 02.02 in latest Postman scripts)
as Provisioner calls Rhythm then. After that has happened you shouldn't see
any more errors about 'khepri_beats' in the logs.

So the answer to your question is - khepri_beats doesn't exists until you
have created Rhythm application using Provisioner.

Most of the other tables (but not khepri_beats) are tenant-specific and
these are created when you assing application to tenant
(and they are created into the tenant-specific database - this is called
'playground' in the examples).

Kind regards

Kontakt Niklas Uhrberg (<niklas.uhrb...@resurs.se>) kirjutas kuupäeval E,
21. oktoober 2019 kell 10:14:

> OK, sounds fine.
> Does this mean that if if the rhythm service is started (and everything
> works) the relation khepri_beats will indeed exist?
> /Niklas
> Niklas Uhrberg
> Konsult
> IT Development | Loans & Credit
> Resurs Bank AB
> Växel: +46 42 38 20 00
> E-post: niklas.uhrb...@resurs.se
> Webb: www.resursbank.se
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Juhan Aasaru [aas...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Friday, October 18, 2019 4:33 PM
> *To:* Dev
> *Subject:* Re: Fineract CN public Docker images are now available
> Hi!
> I just wanted to let you know that I have fixed the bugs that didn't let
> to provision the system fully.
> ERROR: relation "khepri_beats" does not exist - I updated the code to
> catch this exception (type of exception had changed
> by migration to EclipseLink) but you will still see the error in the logs
> until you have initialized rhythm micro service
> (the missing table is created during initialization).
> Kind regards
> Juhan
> Juhan
> Kontakt Niklas Uhrberg (<niklas.uhrb...@resurs.se>) kirjutas kuupäeval R,
> 27. september 2019 kell 15:53:
>> Great, thanks!
>> BR Niklas
>> Niklas Uhrberg
>> Konsult
>> IT Development | Loans & Credit
>> Resurs Bank AB
>> Växel: +46 42 38 20 00
>> E-post: niklas.uhrb...@resurs.se
>> Webb: www.resursbank.se
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Juhan Aasaru [aas...@gmail.com]
>> *Sent:* Friday, September 27, 2019 1:46 PM
>> *To:* Dev
>> *Subject:* Re: Fineract CN public Docker images are now available
>> Great that you got a workaround in place for your issue.
>> You can find the details about what you can achieve (and what doesn't yet
>> work) with current Postman scripts
>> from my recent mail to this list:
>> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/%3ccahlxatte-nx1-m1leudcjztoqv-oop0pmttdn8+i0zjbkwu...@mail.gmail.com%3E
>> From the mail you find what services need to be running.
>> As you will find out there are still bugs that don't let to provision the
>> system fully.
>> Regards
>> Juhan
>> Kontakt Niklas Uhrberg (<niklas.uhrb...@resurs.se>) kirjutas kuupäeval
>> R, 27. september 2019 kell 14:05:
>>> OK, thanks.
>>> I was able to reproduce the behaviour that the services with locations
>>> in the nginx.conf have to be up and running. Also, as you confirm, that I
>>> can start services individually using docker-compose.
>>> I have been able to run some Postman requests and log in to fims-web-app
>>> using the mifos user. First goal achieved :=)
>>> Question: What set of services must be running to complete all of the
>>> Postman requests?
>>> BR Niklas
>>> Niklas Uhrberg
>>> Konsult
>>> IT Development | Loans & Credit
>>> Resurs Bank AB
>>> Växel: +46 42 38 20 00
>>> E-post: niklas.uhrb...@resurs.se
>>> Webb: www.resursbank.se
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Juhan Aasaru [aas...@gmail.com]
>>> *Sent:* Friday, September 27, 2019 12:59 PM
>>> *To:* Dev
>>> *Subject:* Re: Fineract CN public Docker images are now available
>>> Hi!
>>> I have the khepri_beats error as well. I have logged it in Jira
>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FINCN-177
>>> but there has nobody been available who would be able to fix this or
>>> provide help how it should work.
>>> Due to some strage Gradle error I cannot run Rhythm in IntelliJ IDEA
>>> either to debug it. So I'm currently stuck with it as well.
>>> You may start services one by one as long as you use docker-compose for
>>> it (an not running images directly).
>>> As I don't experience "host not found in upstream" error myself I cannot
>>> help you with this.
>>> You could log a ticket about this in Jira and don't forget to add Docker
>>> version and the platform (Linux, Windows, Mac) you are using.
>>> You could also try the IP workaround I described earlier.
>>> Or commenting out the services you don't start (as you do now) is also a
>>> valid workaround of course.
>>> Juhan
>>> Kontakt Niklas Uhrberg (<niklas.uhrb...@resurs.se>) kirjutas kuupäeval
>>> R, 27. september 2019 kell 13:00:
>>>> Thanks for the reply!
>>>> Yes, I was trying to start the services one by one and was unaware that
>>>> this might have consequences for the networking. (The reason for starting
>>>> them one by one is simply that I wanted to monitor system memory
>>>> incrementally , I have only 8 GB )
>>>> Other than that, I did already follow the instructions and I believe
>>>> successfully.
>>>> I can see that the provisioner has created a database in Postgres.
>>>> Now I have started the minimal set of services with only Identity,
>>>> Rhythm, Customer and fims-web-app. I can point my browser to localhost:8888
>>>> and see the sign-in page.
>>>> I actually run an image for fims-web-app where only location for
>>>> Identity and Customer exist.
>>>> I will also try the start these one by one instead of in one
>>>> docker-compose up , and also add locations for the other services to the
>>>> nginx.conf file to determine if this is possible.
>>>> I do get one error that I believe you can help me with , Rhytm logs:
>>>> Internal Exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation
>>>> "khepri_beats" does not exist
>>>> A have not done any provisioning except for just running provisioner.
>>>> BR Niklas
>>>> Niklas Uhrberg
>>>> Konsult
>>>> IT Development | Loans & Credit
>>>> Resurs Bank AB
>>>> Växel: +46 42 38 20 00
>>>> E-post: niklas.uhrb...@resurs.se
>>>> Webb: www.resursbank.se
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From:* Juhan Aasaru [aas...@gmail.com]
>>>> *Sent:* Friday, September 27, 2019 11:00 AM
>>>> *To:* Dev
>>>> *Subject:* Re: Fineract CN public Docker images are now available
>>>> Hi Niklas!
>>>> It seems you are trying to start services individually for which you
>>>> would need to create docker networks first (I haven't tested this way).
>>>> I suggest following the steps here:
>>>> https://github.com/apache/fineract-cn-docker-compose#start-external-tools-database-cassandra-etc
>>>> basically the instructions tell you to do the following:
>>>> 1. git clone https://github.com/apache/fineract-cn-docker-compose.git
>>>> 2. cd fineract-cn-docker-compose.git
>>>> now use several terimals in parallel:
>>>> With terminal #1:
>>>> 3. cd external-tools
>>>> 4. docker-compose up
>>>> Wait for services to start and then with terminal #2:
>>>> 5. docker-compose up provisioner-ms
>>>> Wait for the application to start and then with terminal #3 start set
>>>> of micro services.
>>>> The minimum amount would be Identity, Rhythm, Fims-web-app and one or
>>>> both of Customer and Office
>>>> I usually start this list to run Postman provisioning requests:
>>>> docker-compose up rhythm-ms identity-ms office-ms customer-ms
>>>> portfolio-ms accounting-ms deposit-ms fims-web-app
>>>> together with provisioner and external services this is pretty much the
>>>> maximum that my 16gb mac can handle.
>>>> Juhan
>>>> Kontakt Niklas Uhrberg (<niklas.uhrb...@resurs.se>) kirjutas kuupäeval
>>>> R, 27. september 2019 kell 11:47:
>>>>> Thanks for the response (and welcome) Juhan!
>>>>> I did the following:
>>>>> 1. Start the services in external tools
>>>>> 2. Try to start fims-web-app : This fails with the message "...host
>>>>> not found in upstream "identity-ms"..."
>>>>> 3. Note that identity-ms is the first location config in
>>>>> fineract-cn-fims-web-app/scripts/nginx/docker.nginx.conf
>>>>> 4. Start the identity-ms
>>>>> 5. Try to start fims-web-app againg : Now it fails with "....host not
>>>>> found in upstream "office-ms"...."
>>>>> 6. Note that office-ms is the second location in docker.nginx.conf
>>>>> and so on.
>>>>> Does this mean that fims-web-app requires all the services listed in
>>>>> the docker.ngix-conf have to be up and running?
>>>>> I did change to the new image you build, but I get the same behaviour.
>>>>> I did not try the work around yet, since the behaviour of fims-web-app
>>>>> seems to depend on which services are up and running.
>>>>> The memory on my machine is a bit limited so running all the services
>>>>> listed in the docker.nginx.conf is unrealistic.
>>>>> Question: Does fims-web-app need all the services only considering the
>>>>> functionality?
>>>>> BR Niklas
>>>>> Niklas Uhrberg
>>>>> Konsult
>>>>> IT Development | Loans & Credit
>>>>> Resurs Bank AB
>>>>> Växel: +46 42 38 20 00
>>>>> E-post: niklas.uhrb...@resurs.se
>>>>> Webb: www.resursbank.se
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> *From:* Juhan Aasaru [aas...@gmail.com]
>>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, September 26, 2019 9:50 PM
>>>>> *To:* Dev
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: Fineract CN public Docker images are now available
>>>>> Hi Niklas!
>>>>> Welcome to the mailing list!
>>>>> I haven't experienced this issue myself but googling the error
>>>>> suggested that there might be a bug with how some docker images
>>>>> resolve DNS
>>>>> on some platforms.
>>>>> I updated the Dockerfile of fims-web-app to use the
>>>>> latest public images
>>>>> in hope that this issue is fixed in the newest version.
>>>>> If you have time test it out by replacing inside root docker-compose
>>>>> of fineract-cn-docker-compose
>>>>> Search this:
>>>>>   fims-web-app:
>>>>>     image: apache/fineract-cn-fims-web-app:latest
>>>>> Replace with:
>>>>>   fims-web-app:
>>>>>     image: aasaru/fineract-cn-fims-web-app:latest
>>>>> My image is built from this PR:
>>>>> https://github.com/apache/fineract-cn-fims-web-app/pull/21/files
>>>>> If it doesn't work then you could also try a workaround.
>>>>> In
>>>>> https://github.com/apache/fineract-cn-fims-web-app/blob/develop/scripts/nginx/docker.nginx.conf
>>>>> replace DNS names of micro services with IP addresses taken from
>>>>> https://github.com/apache/fineract-cn-docker-compose/blob/master/env_variables
>>>>> for example replace "office-ms" with and so on
>>>>> and then build a new Docker image and use that instead of the public
>>>>> one.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Juhan
>>>>> Kontakt Niklas Uhrberg (<niklas.uhrb...@resurs.se>) kirjutas
>>>>> kuupäeval N, 26. september 2019 kell 18:47:
>>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>> This is my first interaction in the mailing list :=)
>>>>>> Firstly, thank's for the great job with containerization and the
>>>>>> documentation.
>>>>>> I have followed the documentation and things seem to work nicely
>>>>>> (some errors during startup of some services, but I don't yet know if 
>>>>>> they
>>>>>> are fatal).
>>>>>> However, I cannot start the fims-web-app, see the following from my
>>>>>> terminal:
>>>>>> niklas@niklas-Latitude-E7440:~/git/fineract-clone/fineract-cn-docker-compose$
>>>>>> docker-compose up fims-web-app
>>>>>> WARNING: Some services (identity-ms, provisioner-ms, rhythm-ms) use
>>>>>> the 'deploy' key, which will be ignored. Compose does not support 
>>>>>> 'deploy'
>>>>>> configuration - use `docker stack deploy` to deploy to a swarm.
>>>>>> Starting fineract-cn-docker-compose_fims-web-app_1 ... done
>>>>>> Attaching to fineract-cn-docker-compose_fims-web-app_1
>>>>>> fims-web-app_1      | 2019/09/26 15:38:04 [emerg] 1#1: host not found
>>>>>> in upstream "office-ms" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:34
>>>>>> fims-web-app_1      | nginx: [emerg] *host not found in upstream
>>>>>> "office-ms" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:34*
>>>>>> fineract-cn-docker-compose_fims-web-app_1 exited with code 1
>>>>>> Please let me know how I can remedy this, if you have an idea about
>>>>>> what is happening.
>>>>>> BR Niklas
>>>>>> Niklas Uhrberg
>>>>>> Konsult
>>>>>> IT Development | Loans & Credit
>>>>>> Resurs Bank AB
>>>>>> Växel: +46 42 38 20 00
>>>>>> E-post: niklas.uhrb...@resurs.se
>>>>>> Webb: www.resursbank.se
>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>> *From:* Juhan Aasaru [aas...@gmail.com]
>>>>>> *Sent:* Sunday, September 15, 2019 8:56 AM
>>>>>> *To:* Dev
>>>>>> *Subject:* Fineract CN public Docker images are now available
>>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>> I have completed seting up public DockerHub images for all
>>>>>> Fineract-CN applications and also updated Docker-Compose scripts to run
>>>>>> them. Docker images are automatically built and uploaded to:
>>>>>> https://hub.docker.com/r/apache/fineract-cn-<projectname>
>>>>>> So if anyone wants to try out Fineract-CN at their own computer then
>>>>>> there is one command to start up Postgres, Cassandra ActiveMQ and another
>>>>>> command to start up a set of Fineract CN micro services like this:
>>>>>> docker-compose up provisioner-ms identity-ms office-ms customer-ms
>>>>>> accounting-ms fims-web-app
>>>>>> Documentation is here:
>>>>>> *
>>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FINERACT/DockerHub+images#DockerHubimages-RunningwithDockerCompose
>>>>>> * https://github.com/apache/fineract-cn-docker-compose
>>>>>> Thank you Awasum, Courage, Vishwas and Michael for all the help and
>>>>>> previous work.
>>>>>> Following repositories:
>>>>>> * https://github.com/openMF/fineract-cn-containers
>>>>>> * https://github.com/vishwasbabu/ProvisioningFineractCN
>>>>>> can now be archived as I have defeloped furter the work there and the
>>>>>> outcome is now available here:
>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/fineract-cn-docker-compose
>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>> Juhan

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