
I am not entirely sure what you mean, Fineract works only on HTTPS . If you 
want it to work on HTTP, you would have to remove all requires-channel="https" 
attributes from


On 2019/10/10 14:37:13, Niklas Uhrberg <> wrote: 
> Hello!
> I have done some activities running Fineract 1.x and the community app 
> locally on my workstation.
> Now I would like to record a set of activities in order to create a quicker 
> way to jumpstart a simple setup . Say a loan product , a few clients with 
> their loans.
> (In the same way there are Postman scrips for Fineract CN)
> I have not done this before and my initial findings made me try running the 
> Community App -> Finract communication over HTTP (instead of HTTPS) . E.g. 
> Postman will require HTTP in proxy mode.
> I have not been able to pull this off.
> Have anyone of you done this kind of operation and can show the way to go 
> about this?
> Once I configure docker-compose to with the port mapping 8080:8080 I can at 
> least point my browser to fineract-provider, but the login screen (in the 
> community app) says:
> "Couldn't connect to server. Make sure you are using correct settings."
> I use the URL : 
> http://localhost/?baseApiUrl=http://localhost:8080&tenantIdentifier=default#/
> (And I have indeed verifed that I can login using the standard: 
> http://localhost/?baseApiUrl=https://localhost:8443&tenantIdentifier=default )
> Best regards Niklas
> [cid:image78d5a6.PNG@47014c70.41b3d67d]
> Niklas Uhrberg
> Konsult
> IT Development | Loans & Credit
> Resurs Bank AB
> Växel:  +46 42 38 20 00
> E-post:<>
> Webb:<>

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