1. yes
2. yes

> interpret your comment to be about the standard issue of not getting
these side effects again during disaster recovery.  Correctly understood?

To sum it up - there is a problem (how to recover from a disaster) that is
currently not solved in Fineract but I think it should be.
I created a JIRA ticket for it as well:
Anyone is welcome to update the ticket.


Kontakt Niklas Uhrberg (<niklas.uhrb...@resurs.se>) kirjutas kuupäeval R,
25. oktoober 2019 kell 13:46:

> Juhan, just so that I interpret you correctly in
> "The current problem however is that there are some commands that when
> they get executed,
> they create other commands as a result (when you replay such a command you
> will create a command again - although it exists already)"
> These "other commands" can be either of two types:
> 1. Commands that just lead to further state changes in the database and
> that these changes do not lead to other side effects. (The state of which
> we wish to restore after a disaster)
> 2. Commands that not only lead to state changes in the data base, or state
> changes that lead to side effetcts. Examples : Email sent to customer,
> calls to other services that mutate state.
> I interpret your comment to be about the standard issue of not getting
> these side effects again during disaster recovery.  Correctly understood?
> I just want to point to the fact that in an event sourced system this
> problem goes away since the events that are replayed only serve the purpose
> of building up the application state .
> Best regards Niklas
> Niklas Uhrberg
> Konsult
> IT Development | Loans & Credit
> Resurs Bank AB
> Växel: +46 42 38 20 00
> E-post: niklas.uhrb...@resurs.se
> Webb: www.resursbank.se
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Juhan Aasaru [aas...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 24, 2019 6:43 PM
> *To:* Victor Romero
> *Cc:* Dev; Niklas Uhrberg
> *Subject:* Re: Usage of Cassandra in Fineract CN
> Hi!
> I just recently learned that this design would also help on recovering
> from a disaster.
> Cassandra can be easily replicated so the risk of loosing all the
> Cassandra nodes is relatively small.
> And even if that happens you only loose the commands that are not executed
> yet (not a huge problem
> since any command could fail after it is issued).
> Postgres can also be replicated but at one point the database (and
> replica) could become corrupt.
> So you restore it from the recent backup but you face the problem that the
> backup is probably at least several hours old.
> To solve the issue you could replay the commands in Cassandra to bring the
> database restored fromt the backup to the lasest state.
> The current problem however is that there are some commands that when they
> get executed,
> they create other commands as a result (when you replay such a command you
> will create a command again - although it exists already)
> So there should be a mechanism in place in Fineract-CN to identify such
> commands so one could skip executing them during replay
> (or some other stattegy to deal with this).
> Juhan
> Kontakt Victor Romero (<victor.rom...@fintecheando.mx>) kirjutas
> kuupäeval N, 24. oktoober 2019 kell 17:28:
>> Yes it is.
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FINERACT/Fineract+CN+Project+Structure#FineractCNProjectStructure-cassandra
>> El 24 de octubre de 2019 a las 08:11 AM Niklas Uhrberg <
>> niklas.uhrb...@resurs.se> escribió:
>> Hi!
>> I didn't pay much attention to the Cassandra database when looking at
>> Fineract CN, but now I read
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FINERACT/CQRS+in+Fineract+CN
>> and I conclude from this documentation that the only usage of Cassandra is
>> to persist the commands.
>> Furthermore that one and the same database is used in the processing of
>> the commands ,  i.e. the state changes in the Postgres db as a consequence
>> of a command being processed occur in the same Postgres database used to
>> serve read style requests (since there is only one Postgres db)
>> Is this correctly understood?
>> Best regards Niklas
>> Niklas Uhrberg
>> Konsult
>> IT Development | Loans & Credit
>> Resurs Bank AB
>> Växel: +46 42 38 20 00
>> E-post: niklas.uhrb...@resurs.se
>> Webb: www.resursbank.se

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