Cloud instance spec:
8GB mem
2.3 GHz cpu
Debian 9

On Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 9:48 AM Dave Martin <> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I have setup fineract 1.x (latest master) on a google cloud instance and
> we are not getting the expected results when running load tests.
> Using docker-compose with a few tweaks:
>    - 2 x fineract-server services
>    - 3 x mariadb-galera nodes (multi-master)
>    - 1 x HAProxy acting as
>       - load balancer for fineract api services
>       - database proxy
> I have setup two load tests in SoapUI:
>    1. Generate 1000 clients with savings account and making a deposit of
>    1 000 000 in each
>    2. Randomly selecting two clients from the first set and doing a
>    transfer between their accounts. (only a single call to the api for this
>    test)
> *The performance on second test is what we are interested in*. We have
> run tests with 10, 20 and 100 concurrent threads.
> I realize this might be a lot to ask for on a single instance but even
> when running only with 1 fineract-server and 1 mariadb-galera node we are 
> *barely
> getting more than 10 transactions per second*.
> We have checked that the number of connections for both fineract-server
> and the db cluster is enough for serving the tests and db connection pools.
> Questions:
> 1) Is it a good idea to try and run a galera cluster (multi-master) with
> fineract 1.x? We see a lot of dealocks ( *INSERT INTO
> m_account_transfer_details* ) in the logs and was wondering if this is
> due to the cluster.
> 2) Does anyone have recommendations on how to setup an high availability
> environment for fineract that is scalable to 100s or maybe 1000s of
> transactions per second?
> 3) Are we expecting too much from the Fineract 1.x architecture?
> Regards
> Dave

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