Hi all

I am involved at the Mifos Initiative and we are hoping to update the Mifos
Community App, which is currently sitting at 18.03.01 release. We need some
specific contributions.

The Mifos Community App sits on top of the Fineract1.x codebase. As I am
sure most of you know, the Mifos initiative contributed the initial
Fineract1.x to Apache and our Community App is our deployment front-end
that helps organizations use the functionality. It is also important for
demonstrating the product for new entities coming to the project.

While a number of changes have happened to the backend solution of
Fineract1.x and some of those changes are in process on the Mifos Community
App, we do not yet, at this time have a target date for a full release that
is consistent with the latest functionality.

I'm asking for help by the Fineract Devs and the Mifos Devs to identify
what tickets need to be generated and completed so that we can get to a
release of the Mifos Community App.  Let's create a tag on both jiras for

Michael has asked if someone could be the Release Manager for Fineract1.4
and I think on the Mifos side, there should be a similar effort aimed at a
stable release on top of the Fineract 1.4.  The first effort would be to
find out what breaks on the latest Fineract 1.2 or Fineract 1.3 when
starting up the front end Mifos Community App, and then to do the same for
the latest 1.4 branch.

Since this crosses both Fineract and Mifos git hub repos, let us keep both
informed of the progress.

Thank you.

Lead Implementation Analyst | Mifos Initiative
Skype: live:cbharath4| Mobile: +91.7019636073
http://mifos.org  <http://facebook.com/mifos>

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