Good stuff Michael! This is a great stride!

> On 17 May 2020, at 14:45, Yemdjih Kaze Nasser <> wrote:
> Nice work. Thanks again for your great contributions. 
> On Sun, May 17, 2020, 12:33 Awasum Yannick < 
> <>> wrote:
> Congratulations Mike. This is very good work and will improve the project as 
> a whole. This is the way to run Enterprise Applications in the 2020s. 
> On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 12:20 PM Michael Vorburger < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm happy to share that <> 
> now always automatically updates itself from the very latest source code 
> available on the develop branch of Fineract! (I actually used to manually 
> update it before.)
> New deployments take about 15’ after any of our great committer merges Pull 
> Requests from you - our contributors. Something that is pretty cool is that 
> on 
> <> anyone can now 
> actually see the exact Git commit revision that is currently running (this is 
> based on FINERACT-883 <>).
> If you are curious about some of the technical details involved here behind 
> the scenes, 
> <>
>  may interest you. You can see one part of what my blog post describes in 
> live action on 
> <> - note the new "Deploy to 
> <>" workflow, driven by 
> <>.
> Something perhaps worth pointing out here is that this is based on modern 
> cloud native CI/CD... to users, it's made to look like the "server" never 
> "stops". Incoming API HTTP traffic is transparently switched over from old to 
> new runtimes. So as you use <>, it's now 
> entirely possible that, following the merge of a Pull Request, in one instant 
> you hit "old" code, but your next API request hits "new" code that just got 
> deployed! Cool, right?
> I'm hoping this makes even more useful to the community, and 
> will serve both as a showcase for the project, as well as be of value e.g. 
> for your QA. (Should you have an interest in a non-demo more stable hosted 
> instance of Apache Fineract, please reach out to me privately - I'm 
> interested in learning more about the need and expectations in this space.)
> Stay safe & keep hacking and contributing!
> Best,
> M.
> _______________________
> Michael Vorburger
> <>

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