
The error is self explanatory.
Your script is violating 'account_no_UNIQUE' unique constraint on the m_client 
Please identify if your script itself is inserting duplicate account no.

Alternatively, it is possible that you have configured "Account Number 
Preferences" which is causing this issue.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Cable [] 
Sent: 16 September 2016 04:16
To: Mifos software development <>;
Subject: Re: [Mifos-developer] Transactions executed multiple times

Hey Arvind,

I won't be of any help but i'm going to cross-post this to the fineract 
developer's list as that should be the go-to place for any conversations like 
this. I think you might have specifically joined the mifos-developer list to 
start this conversation so sorry to point it away.

Members of our core team and some of the other partners in our community should 
be able to respond in the next 6 to 8 hours as they come online for the day.


On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 2:54 PM, Arvind Sujeeth <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying a load test where, as part of setup, I insert 100k clients 
> using the Batch API. This seems to be working (slowly), but there are 
> a lot of messages like this in the server logs:
> > [http-bio-8443-exec-132] ERROR o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper -
> Duplicate entry '0000000031213' for key 'account_no_UNIQUE'
> > [http-bio-8443-exec-132] WARN  o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - 
> > SQL
> Error: 1062, SQLState: 23000
> > [http-bio-8443-exec-132] WARN  o.a.t.j.p.i.SlowQueryReport - Failed
> Query Report SQL=insert into m_client (account_no, activatedon_userid, 
> activation_date, client_classification_cv_id, client_type_cv_id, 
> closedon_userid, closedon_date, closure_reason_cv_id, date_of_birth, 
> display_name, external_id, firstname, fullname, gender_cv_id, 
> image_id, lastname, legal_form_enum, middlename, mobile_no, office_id, 
> office_joining_date, reactivated_on_date, reactivated_on_userid, 
> rejectedon_userid, rejectedon_date, reject_reason_cv_id, 
> default_savings_account, default_savings_product, staff_id, 
> status_enum, sub_status, submittedon_userid, submittedon_date, 
> transfer_to_office_id, updated_by, updated_on, withdrawn_on_date, 
> withdraw_reason_cv_id,
> withdraw_on_userid) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 
> ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 
> ?, ?);
> time=9 ms;
> > [http-bio-8443-exec-98] ERROR o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper -
> Duplicate entry '0000000031213' for key 'account_no_UNIQUE'
> > [http-bio-8443-exec-127] ERROR o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper -
> Duplicate entry '0000000031213' for key 'account_no_UNIQUE'
> for different account numbers (each of the 100k client's has a unique 
> account no). I only have one create client request per client in the 
> batch, but it appears a single request is being executed multiple 
> times. Anyone have any idea what is causing this behavior?
> thanks,
> Arvind
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*Ed Cable*
Director of Community Programs, Mifos Initiative | Skype: 
edcable | Mobile: +1.484.477.8649

*Collectively Creating a World of 3 Billion Maries | * 
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