Thanks to a brief, though, informative response to this question on the
Adobe AIR forums, I've been told that when I instantiate a Spark List and
assign it a custom item renderer and a data provider, that the reason
it instantiates four item renderers (one for each item in my DataProvider),
that properly are contextual children of the List control, and then
instantiates a fifth orphaned instance of the renderer is 'for measurement'.

I assume the answer I was given is correct, but the reality (not the
answer) is distinctly distasteful and unsatisfying.

In a day and age when we are trying to optimize programs to run on what
are, frankly, the technological equivalent of 15-20 year old computers
(1ghz processors and limited RAM) with end users expecting them to behave
in a snappy non-latent manner as they would on a desktop machine with
multi-multi-gHz cores, several GB of memory, and a GPU handling a lot of
the load (as unrealistic as that may be... of the major reasons I
believe Adobe gave up on a mobile browser flash player), I cannot
understand why something that seems so very wasteful is necessary.

I don't pretend to understand the nuts and bolts of how the SDK
accomplishes what it does...  that's why it's an Abstract.  I usually don't
need to know...

But I'm faced with a situation where I'm trying to understand why when I
instantiate a view it basically halts an iPad2 for 11-13 seconds before
displaying the new view... and when I investigate, I find that the
processor intensive task I'm trying to complete is made that much more
intensive by a factor of 20%.

If I'm to believe my trace statements, the creationComplete event is being
called on legitimate items 1, 2, 3, and 4, which, I would believe would
make them available to be measured and do layout, starting with the first,
and made all the more simple because my List has been told to use uniform
row height... (which I assume means, 'figure out the first and go with it').

Very grateful for any insight... Especially if it would mean also having a
way to help my extreme latency problem.  I cannot even get a BusyIndicator
to display and rotate before loading the view w/o using a timer to load the
view after a brief time... and then it freezes the BusyIndicator.

Frustrating... very frustrating.

// Christian M. Cepel - Programmer/Analyst, Sr., University of Missouri

*And the wrens have returned, and are nesting;*

*In the hollow of that oak, where his heart once had been.*

*And he lifts up his arms in a blessing, for being born again.*

Rich Mullins, The Color Green, A Liturgy, a Legacy, & a Ragamuffin Band

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