On 3/8/2013 2:08 PM, Charles Monteiro wrote:
Hi, I suspect that this may be inappropriate but it sure seems like it
would be applicable to my continued development in Apache Flex i.e. I want
a compressed way to talk to my backend. Currently, I do rely on json which
is widely supported. MessagePack i.e. basically compressed json, has quite
a number of implementations including Ruby which I need and there's even an
implementation for GO, unfortunately AS is not in the list.

thanks, any thoughts / comments appreciated.

I'm not sure if you had a specific question. For Flex/Flash Platform development I like to keep things AMF; which is a binary format for passing data back and forth. In most implementations it comes with other nice features such as automatically converting server side objects to client side objects. As someone else mentioned; you can do this on Ruby using RubyAMF.

Beyond that, if you wanted to create an ActionScript implementation for use of 'MessagePack' JSON and donate it to Apache Flex I'm sure that is something we'd be willing to consider adding to the framework as a library. Flash Player/AIR already support the use of JSON natively; but I do not know anything about compressed JSON support.

Jeffry Houser
Technical Entrepreneur
UI Flex Components: Tested! Supported! Ready!
Part of the DotComIt Brain Trust

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