In my work, I use the build number of the Hudson, or occasionally the short 
version of the commit SHA that I am building.
Anyway, I leave as you get the short version of the SHA, in GIT
git log -1 --pretty=format:%h 
Jose Barragan
Chief Software Architect
Codeoscopic Madrid
C/. Infanta Mercedes, 92. 
Planta 5.  505.
28020 Madrid.
Tel.: +34 912 94 80 80

On Mar 18, 2013, at 10:17 AM, Frédéric THOMAS <> wrote:

> JIRA use the JIRA Fisheye plugin to link the sources with, aparently, it's 
> not setup for our project, I retreived the infra ticket [1], we can then 
> directly deal with altassian to setup our project with fisheye.
> From [2] :
> Support FAQ
> Can we use Fisheye to browse and search our repository?
> Yes. See for some working examples. (Our Jira 
> Fisheye currently disabled, looking into it)
> The people at Atlassian kindly provide FishEye instances of ASF projects, 
> upon request.
> First, check with your project's PMC, and then ask Atlassian to setup a 
> FishEye instance for your project. (No need to keep infra the loop.)
> Create a support request at Atlassian Support in the FishEye project. Please 
> use the "Public Hosting" component for your request.
> If there is no response after a reasonable amount of time, infra has access 
> to set up projects on Fisheye, but consider this a last resort option, 
> Atlassian should be first point of contact.
> Atlassian now run a local synced copy of the ASF repository, hence requests 
> can now be made direct without infra needing to be involved.
> So, I decided to open an issue at Altassian fisheye [3]
> -Fred
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> -----Message d'origine----- From: Frédéric THOMAS
> Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 9:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Git and revision numbers
> Who is JIRA admin btw ? it seem the fisheye plugin is there but
> misconfigured.
> -Fred
> -----Message d'origine----- From: Frédéric THOMAS
> Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 9:19 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Git and revision numbers
>> That's a feature we have but maybe broken (we should deal with infra IMO).
> -Fred
> -----Message d'origine----- From: Justin Mclean
> Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 8:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Git and revision numbers
> Hi,
>> You can check writing the JIRA ticket id in the commit message(s), push 
>> it/them , then go to JIRA, in the source tab, you should see all the 
>> modified files (if this feature is not broken again).
> As far as I know this is not a feature we have - so what can we put in JIRA
> to show exactly what changes that have occurred.
> Justin

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