> Forking the Google code to our project doesn't seem like the best option.
Yes, that what concerns me too.

> We may consider donating your solution to the Closure project, which is
> Open Source...
That may be a solution in the long term but I am not sure that helps to fix
the bug in Falcon compiler right now. 

Anyway submitting a patch to Closure will require more work on my part.
Although the bug fix I propose is generic for PathUtil I still did not
examine all the dependencies from that class in the Closure itself and am
not sure my patch is generic enough and correct for the Closure itself.
Honestly I would rather not digress and stay concentrated on contributing to

> Keep what you have, please, but don't push it to the 'develop' branch.
> You're probably the smartest person that will work on it, but we need to
> take care that we don't end up with a dependency on a fork of the closure
> tools where we actually want to be able to use their releases.
I guess that means I will keep my patch for myself only until either
somebody else needs it or a better way to fix this bug is found.

> For FalconJX the main goal is to write tests for both MXML and AS parsing.
> the moment there are some areas that are written specifically to allow for
> the correct parsing of the FlexJSTest_again example. This obviously is not
> "ideal" ;-) We need to make sure that all code is generic (or as much as
> possible) and that all output is properly tested so we don't kill any
> output when refactoring or adding code. Right now, there is only 2 tests
> specific for FlexJS MXML output, and those are "@Ignore"d.
> But first, just look around, review what's there and see if what I/we did
> makes sense.
OK, I will spend a few more days just getting familiar with the code base
and see if I can find and fix some other bugs before trying to make
functional changes to the compiler.


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