The problem is that in the zip, there are no friendly file names.  There
are folders with issues as names, but within each folder are files named
00001, 00002, 00003 with no suffix. The main DB xml has to be parsed to
find the friendly names.  I think that requires code and not script as the
xml is rather complex, but AIR and AS should be able to handle it.

On 6/10/13 9:34 AM, "Justin Mclean" <> wrote:

>> Maybe, but that still required writing a script/code to filter that out
>> which is the main issue for me.
>Something like this?
>find . -name "*.mxml"  -exec tar -Pvrf code.tar {} +
>find . -name "*.as"  -exec tar -Pvrf code.tar {} +
>etc etc
>I'm currently traveling so don't have the bandwidth to download a 6Gb

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