Hey Carlos,

That's great. I'd written a very similar component a few years ago, which
worked pretty much the same as yours except the code was never
publication-worthy ;)

>From what I've seen, there are 2 minor differences:
 - there was a list of possible separators (which could also be
configured); yours seems to have only one separator. I absolutely needed
this because I created the component initially for a Belgian national
register number which has a mask like this: ##.##.## - ###.## so both the
dots and the dashes had to be separators. This would fix your 'sample phone
mask' and 'sample IBAN mask' which are behaving a bit oddly as Harbs
already mentioned. This is the list of default separators I
used: /\|:-.()[]{}<> For the 'sample IBAN mask' the developer could then
set separators="ES-" to override these defaults.
 - you could provide a custom mask like 'dd/mm/yyyy' for a date. I'm not
sure, but it looks like your version supports only one mask character at a

I also used this component to create a custom date input which combined the
masked text input and the old mx date picker for better UX than mx
DateField provides.

I don't mind sharing my code, but as I already mentioned, it's a bit dirty


On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 8:27 PM, Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Very nice!
> One thing:
> The IBAN and Phone masks do not work the way I'd expect. It should jump
> straight to the numbers.
> On Dec 9, 2013, at 8:28 PM, Carlos Rovira wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > These days I worked a new spark MaskedTextInput component and I want to
> > share a demo of this component so you can play with it.
> > I think there's no such component already in the Flex SDK or out there,
> and
> > as I needed for a project I had to make one from scratch.
> > The component is an extension of spark TextInput.
> >
> > I plan to commit this component to Apache Flex SDK in the next days
> unless
> > someone let me know another alternative or some info
> > that make this component useless. In order to prepare the commit I want
> to
> > ask other committers and PMCs here where is the appropriate place
> > to hold this component and share what you consider to take into account
> in
> > order to make a right integration. If someone thinks it's not worth it to
> > make it part of the Flex SDK, let me know as well. I don't want to commit
> > code that could not be right for the SDK.
> >
> > Here's the link to the demo. I posted as well some doc comment text to
> > share the properties you can use:
> >
> > http://www.carlosrovira.com/blog/spark-maskedtextinput-demo/
> >
> > Hope you consider it interesting and if you know some other similar
> > component out there, please let me know! :)
> >
> > Best,
> >
> >
> > --
> > --
> > Carlos Rovira

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