These two test now consistently fail. It looks like one of the recent
commits broke them, but "got away with it" because the runs have been
such a mess lately. Can recent SDK committers please look at these and
see if they have anything to do with it?

>      [java] components/Tree/Properties/Tree_PropertiesDragDrop 
> Tree_DP_XML_Copy Failed CompareBitmap(body:step 11)  compare returned[object 
> BitmapData]
>      [java] components/Tree/Properties/Tree_PropertiesDragDrop_spark 
> Spark_Tree_DP_XML_Copy Failed CompareBitmap(body:step 11)  compare 
> returned[object BitmapData]
>      [java]
>      [java]
>      [java] =====================================================
>      [java]     Passes: 8
>      [java]     Fails: 2
>      [java] =====================================================



Ix Multimedia Software

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