On 3/24/14 9:26 AM, "Michael A. Labriola" <labri...@digitalprimates.net>

>>OK, I didn't see any non-Flex apps around the runners.  The deal is the
>>mx and Spark apps can't wrap the runners and load in FlexJS classes at
>>the same time.  I think I'll just have to replace the Spark app with a
>>FlexJS app.
>No problem. We even got FlexUnit working in Flash pro at one point.
>I don't know of any resultant JS at this point.  I did wonder about
>cross-compiling FlexUnit and the tests via FalconJX/FlexJS.  Do you think
>that would work?  
>>Perhaps, the biggest problem is the metadata introspection. If you have
>>a way to mimic that in JS, there would be no issue... but that's the
>>blocker that stopped me from going that route
FlexJS will keep metadata on the JS side, probably as simple properties on
the classes and/or functions.  I imagine we'll write a library that
abstracts the fetching of metadata and returns it as an array of strings
or maybe as JSON.  If we could easily retrofit the metadata fetching in
FlexUnit, would going this route become more interesting?

>Or should we actually use some JS testing framework for the hand-written
>JS pieces?  
>>I would recommend looking into Jasmine for this. It's what we did on the
>>Randori front
OK, I'll keep Jasmine in mind.
>IMO, being able to write JS tests with a similar pattern/workflow as
>FlexUnit would be good.  A quick survey didn't really turn up anything
>that looked like FlexUnit.
>>QUnit is about the closest
OK, thanks.  Any idea why the JS community did not leverage Junit?  Did
they all just fall in love with newer approaches like behaviors?


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