
I'm trying to keep up with developments, and I'll jump in when I have a few
cycles, hopefully in the next few days.


On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 8:05 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I just checked in changes to flex-falcon and flex-asjs so that the
> checkintests target in flex-asjs uses Mustella to run BasicTests in Flash
> and then cross-compiles it and runs it in natively in the browser
> (currently assumes you have FireFox).
> Please try it so we can work out any kinks.
> I heavily borrowed from the Marmotinni folder to get this to work, so
> thanks to Erik for figuring out how to get Selenium to work.  Hopefully
> Erik can take a look and tell me how I should have used more from
> Marmotinni.  I ended up not using the -marmotinni compiler option or many
> of the tasks used in this demo.  I'm not sure if that's because the
> tooling evolved such that those tasks I didn't need are obsolete, or if
> there's some goodness about Marmotinni I'm missing.
> Of course, BasicTests needs more tests so if anyone has time, please help
> out.
> Thanks,
> -Alex

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