Interesting.  Two replies with different view points.  I have another
factor that occurred to me.  I think we should try to get a release out
ASAP so that folks can have a chance to look at it and get interested and
consider a last minute signup for 360|Flex (assuming there are still

That said, I think I'll spend this week on some of these items and then
start on an RC.


On 3/24/14 10:13 AM, "Erik de Bruin" <> wrote:

>2) Choose a different/better xml prefix:  Right now we are using
>> xmlns=basic.  That's five characters which is longer that I'd like.
>> thought about replacing with "fjs" or 'af' or 'js' or even 'fxjs' but a
>> shorter prefix means less typing.
>I still have some hope that once FlexJS is off to a good start I'll get to
>try my VanillaSDK approach, so my vote goes to 'fjs' - very short and
>sorta descriptive; it also leaves 'vjs' available ;-)
I am still hopeful that, instead of trying to replicate Spark exactly,
that you'll settle for something short of that and see how much you can
build out of the FlexJS pieces we have. ;-)

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