
>> So we would have to replace the binaries right? As that is where it gets
>> the installer script from?
> Yes.

So we would need to branch 4.12 and 4.12.1, modify the installer.xml, 
repackage, vote and release to fix?

I'm sure this isn't going to be the first time we get an issue like this. Could 
we have the install script check for updates and download a newer install 
script if needed?

> I looked into this some more.  Installer 3.1.0 will use
> sdk-installer-config-4.0.xml for 4.11 and earlier.  It doesn't explain why
> 4.11 worked and 4.10 and 4.9.1 didn't.

4.9 and 4.10 uses OSMF 1, we don't have an alternative download path for that. 
So I'm unable to fix that unless we put the 1.0 swc somewhere we can get at it.

> And if that works, one thing that might work for 4.12.x is to set the
> legacy="true" attribute on their entries in the .xml file.

I can't see why 4.12 isn't actually working as the instal script does have 
paths that should work. Is this a bug with the installer?

    <target name="osmf-download" depends="osmf-check" unless="osmf.swc.present"
        description="Copies OSMF from Open@Adobe">
        <replace file="${basedir}/osmf.properties" token="{0}" value="OSMF.swc" 
        <replace file="${basedir}/osmf.properties" token="{1}" 
        <property file="${basedir}/osmf.properties" />
        <delete file="${basedir}/osmf.properties" />

        <mkdir dir="${basedir}/frameworks/libs/"/>
        <unzip src="${basedir}/frameworks/libs/osmf.swc" dest="${download.dir}">
                <include name="library.swf"/>
        <copy file="${download.dir}/library.swf" 


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