
This is a  TourDeFlex 1.1 Release Candidate 2. Please see the RELEASE_NOTES and 

There have been minimal changes since the last RC.
- Fixed spelling of contributors file
- Minor change to readme, release codes and contributors
- Minor code changes to remove a couple of compile warnings
- Minor changes to 2 Apache examples to get them to work in the explorer

One of the new examples isn't working inside the explorer (see FLEX-34539) this 
has been added to known issue in the release notes.

As there were minimal changes, I've had votes carry over.

Binding +1 votes:
Mark Kessler
Justin Mclean

Other +1 votes:
Chris Martin 

If you don't want to have you vote recored as +1 for this release candidate 
please change your vote to +0.
You can of course also test the RC again and change your vote as many times as 
you would like.

The release candidate can be found here;

Before voting please review the section,"What are the ASF requirements on 
approving a release?", at:

Please vote to approve this release:
+1 Approve the release
-1 Veto the release (please provide specific comments to why)

This vote will be open for at least 72 hours or as long as needed.

The vote passes if there is:
- At least 3 +1 votes from the PMC
- More positive votes than negative votes

People who are not in PMC or who are not an committer are also encouraged to 
test out the release and vote, although their votes will not be binding.

Please put all discussion about this release in the DISCUSSION thread not this 
VOTE thread.


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