Ok, I completely take back what I said about TS and it's parser. I have
investigated and custom linters and other things can be made.

So #4 is doable but the tool has to be written in TypeScript.

See; https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/Using-the-Compiler-API


On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 6:20 AM, Michael Schmalle <teotigraphix...@gmail.com>

> On May 31, 2015 9:41 AM, "Michael Schmalle" <teotigraphix...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Now, I wish I had an answer of how to create a d.ts parser without using
> > 100's of dev time hours. :)
> Do you have an idea of how the input vs. output would look like?  Are you
> planning on creating a d.as file which has all the class and function
> definitions?
> Perhaps we can start with hand coding a simple example?  I can help with
> that.
> Thanks,
> Om
> Well I know what we had in Randori and what Roland created for SWCs, that
> is what I am using in my prototype but, we need a spec so as to not waste
> time.
> This really needs to be thought about and documented first. If we have
> what a class/interface(native defs or whatever) will look like, any
> metadata used and how I write plugins to the emitter to generate from those
> definitions.
> So my proposal is;
> 1. Write a simple spec for the d.as definition file/s.
> 2. Create simple test files that utilize every aspect of our spec.
> 3. Use the handwritten test files in FalconJX emitter tests to verify the
> cross compile.
> 4 Think about how we can translate IDL, builtin and d.ts definitions to
> that spec once the spec is concrete and tested within the compiler and
> working.
> Mike

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